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PAGE 6  SELWYNConnection homE & GArdEn

    Annual Home Maintenance and                                                  Summer Lawn Tips.

    Spring-Cleaning Tasks…                                                       With spring finally here the grass is

                                                                                 starting to grow, and to maintain a
    … that will save you time and money    you are less likely to run into delays when   great lawn to carry you through to next
    when selling your house!               you’re wanting to sell your house.    autumn, follow these few tips…
    • Check gutters: debris, clips and pooling or   It is almost certain that an offer on your home   Mow Little and often.
    ponding – cleaning may help this.      will be subject to a Building Inspection Report.   Removing too much leaf, in one mow, from
    • Check ground clearances: clear plants away   This is one area where you can make the   the top of your lawn weakens your lawn.
    from cladding and clear soil away from the   sales process easier by being a proactive   Ideally 1/3 of the overall length at any time.
    bottom edge providing enough clearance from   vendor.                        During peak growth look to mow weekly and
    splash back – between 100 to 225mm.    If a buyer engages a professional Building   reduce mowing in cooler and hotter times.
    • Drains: clean drains, keep debris or items   Inspection Company to carry out an   Remove the clippings and don’t mulch if
    clear and check grills are in good order.  Inspection and defects are identified, you   possible.
                                           would need to address these as soon as
    • Showers: clean showers especially the   practical, potentially causing delays. If you   Mow Higher
    corners inside and out; rake out, clean and   were time poor, you may need to negotiate   Aim to mow at 5-7cm (the latter in the heat
    replace sealant if mouldy then reapply a   the price in order to make the sale quickly, an   of summer). For simplicity, measure between
    mould resistant sealant. Specialist advice or a   outcome most vendors would prefer to avoid.   a hard surface and the bottom edge of your
    moisture test maybe required.          Tony Grieg,                           mowers deck.
    • Windows: clean sills and the aluminium   Jim’s Building Inspections.       Water Deeply
    chase of mould and clean out drain holes;                                    During summer look to water deeply, then
    check rubber seals around windows.               Want the best lawn          allow the lawn to use all that water for a few
    • Doors: ease binding doors – refix, sand or     in the street?              days. As a guide (all situations are different)
    plane. Fix door handles and install door stops.  Call Darryl on 022 516 6002  use your sprinkler one hour placement,
    • Gardens: clear away overgrowth from            Facebook: LawnFix Selwyn    twice per week. Morning watering is best,
    cladding and soffits.                                                        followed by early evening.
    By doing these maintenance chores regularly                                  Darryl Morley, Lawnfix Selwyn.

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