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whAt’s nEw?  SELWYNConnection  PAGE 11
    What’s New in                                           CeLeBRAnT: Tricia                     SUPeRMARKeT:
                                                            Warwick-Nazaris is
                                                                                                  Construction for the new
    Selwyn…                                                 a celebrant who has                   FreshChoice Prebbleton
                                                            recently moved from
                                                            Dunedin to Lincoln.                   is just starting on this
                                                                                                  much needed facility in
    With Selwyn being one of the fastest growing            She has been a
    districts in new Zealand, there are some                registered marriage                   Prebbleton. The expected
    wonderful new businesses, organisations                 and funeral celebrant                 opening is Autumn/
    and events appearing in the area.      since the mid 90s and has had the privilege of         Winter 2020.
    eVenTS: Over and above the popular events   helping hundreds of couples create their own   CoMMUnITy oRgAnISATIon: Rolleston
                                                                                 Rotary is a newly established group that meet
    featured on the opposite page, there are 3 new   personalised and unique wedding ceremony.   fortnightly. They provide leadership, guidance
    events debuting in Selwyn this year:   She also officiates at funerals and baby-naming
                                           ceremonies.                           and time to the community and are dedicated to
    On the afternoon of the 20th October at Lincoln                              our local youth and helping other organisations
    Event Centre the TWo HeARTS exPo will be                                     already established or wanting to get started.
    showcasing local wedding & event specialists.                                SPoRTS fACILITy: Construction on the new
    This will be a perfect opportunity for those                                 Foster Park indoor courts (and walking track)
    getting married, planning a wedding or hosting                               is due to start early November with completion
    events! Entry fee is a gold coin donation, the                               expected by winter 2021. “There’s been a lot
    proceeds of which will go to the Lincoln Fire                                of interest in these courts from the general
    Brigade.                                                                     community, not just sports groups, and the
    The second new event is the SeLWyn gARDen   CAfe: Black and White Coffee has recently   multi-purpose space gives you lots of flexibility
    exPo, hosted by the West Melton Garden   opened its doors in Tennyson Street, Rolleston,   – you could host an indoor market, or a trade
    Club, which will be held at the West Melton   and has been well received by the local   show, or an exhibition. It makes it a place for
    Community Centre on the afternoon of the   community. Manager Simon Yue says it has been   everyone,” says Mr Reid, Council Major Projects
    1st December. This is an exciting afternoon of   a very busy first few weeks!  Manager.
    stalls, demonstrations and food, featuring Lynda                                              TUToRIng: Jennie is
    Hallinan as guest speaker! Spaces are limited so                                              an experienced teacher
    please pre-purchase tickets ($15) by emailing                                                 with over 15 years                                                                   teaching a variety of age
                                                                      Need a
    On Sunday the 8th of December 2019 the                            Need a                      groups. She has recently
    Selwyn Aquatic Centre and Foster Field will be                                                started an indivudalised,
    the hosts of the first ever RoLLeSTon KIDS                                                    personalised tutoring
                                                                                                  service called Aleph
    TRIATHLon. This event is open to 5-13year olds         Professional
    and is being brought to Rolleston by Enduranz   gRoCeRy: Bin Inn Wholefoods has recently   Tutoring in Prebbleton, supporting primary,
    Events which is the brainchild of Race Director   opened in Rolleston and the owners Laura and   secondary and tertiary students, as well as
    Regan Turner. Regan’s goal is to give local   Andrew have been pleased with the friendliness   adults.
    primary school aged kids a taste of triathlon in   and positive support they’ve already received   MoBILe fooD: Wheelie Good Fish is a fresh
    a positive, fun and supportive atmosphere. To   from the local community. It’s well worth   fish delivery van bringing the catch of the day to
                                                           Call Laser Electrical today
    enter or get more information about the event go   popping in to this new-age store – it’s full of a   residents in Selwyn. Based in Darfield, Brooke
                                                          Call Laser Electrical today
    to           variety of wholesome and yummy goodies.  will be making regular deliveries to your area.
                 Are you fed up with your old down lights, sick of the draft,
                                                                       Need a
                 Are you fed up with your old down lights, sick of the draft,
          changing light bulbs constantly, got little spiders dangling from the
          changing light bulbs constantly, got little spiders dangling from the
                            fittings or flies nesting in the ceiling space?
                            fittings or flies nesting in the ceiling space?
                                    Philips                Professional
                                    Philips                                           Philips
                                    SmartBright                                       SmartBright
                                    LED Downlight                                     Mini LED
                                                                                      Mini LED
                                    LED Downlight           Electrician?
                                    12Watt DN052B                                     Replacement
                                    12Watt DN052B                                     Replacement
                                                                                      halogen downlights
                                    Replacement                                       halogen downlights
                                    R80 option
                                    R80 option            Call Laser Electrical today
                                       +gst and                                          +gst and
                       $55.00          +gst and                          $90.00          +gst and
                       $55.00          installation                     $90.00           installation
            Are you fed up with your old down lights, sick of the draft,
                                     Laser Electrical Rolleston
     changing light bulbs constantly, got little spiders dangling from the
                                     Laser Electrical Rolleston
                                                                            0800 LASER 4 U
                                    831 Jones Road, Rolleston              0800 LASER 4 U
                                    831 Jones Road, Rolleston
                        fittings or flies nesting in the ceiling space?
                                                                             (0800 527 374)
                                         (0800 527 374)
                                  Philips                                                Philips
                                  SmartBright                                            SmartBright
                                  LED Downlight                                          Mini LED
                                  12Watt DN052B                                          Replacement
                                  Replacement                                            halogen downlights
                                  R80 option                                             option
                                     +gst and                                              +gst and
                   $55.00            installation                        $90.00            installation
                                  Laser Electrical Rolleston
                                  831 Jones Road, Rolleston                  0800 LASER 4 U
                                           (0800 527 374)
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