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PEts & AnimAls  SELWYNConnection  PAGE 15

                                               Real food foR
                                            youR Real fRiend

                                                                                  Call 027 4 311 395
                                            order online:       Member of The NZ Dog
                                                Phone: 03 347 0626                Groomers Association
                                            Shop 4, 855 Jones Rd, Rolleston

                                           hours of the day. Also check that the   to them in the morning. It helps cool them
    Summer Time with  pavement isn’t too hot, if you can’t stand                 down during the day whilst you are at
                                                                                 work or out and about plus it keeps them
    your Pets!                             on it with your bare feet, then your pets   occupied too.
                                           shouldn’t either.
                                           Pets with long hair would benefit immensely   If you have to take your dog in the car,
                                                                                 make sure the windows are open. If you are
    So summer is on its way and everyone   from a summer cut by the groomer. Try it, if   worried about theft or your dog jumping out,
    is enjoying the sun. our pets love the   you haven’t previously, your pet will thank   you can buy car window vents/barriers.
    warmth, but they also need ways to cool   you for it!                        Barbecues are also very popular this time
    down. Below are some ideas to help     Pet sunblock is also very important,   of year. There are a couple of things to note
    you help your pets: One essential thing to   especially where pets have pale areas   during the barbecue season. One is always
    remember is always have plenty of clean   of skin such as around ears, eyes, nose   cover the barbecue after cooking, this may
    fresh water for your pets to drink.    and their bellies. Human products are not   prevent curious pets and wildlife from
    Make sure there is plenty of shelter for   designed to be ingested, the chances are   landing on the hotplate or grill and burning
                                                                                 their feet.
    outdoor pets, and that indoor pets are able   that some pets would lick off some of what   The other thing vets commonly see
    to move themselves away from hot areas or   you applied, so consult your vet about the   after barbecues is pets that have been
    direct sunlight. This includes caged birds or   best sunblock for your pet.  given bones or fatty foods from the
    other small animals such as rabbits, guinea   A small shallow pool such as a baby’s   barbecue. These can lead to gut upsets,
    pigs and mice – always position their cage   paddling pool or plastic clamshell pools filled   gastrointestinal obstructions and pancreatitis
    where they have shade and shelter to hide   with water are loved by many pets.   to say the least.
    away from direct sunlight.             You can also freeze your pet’s breakfast   Keep safe and enjoy the warm weather!
    Try to walk your dogs during the cooler   with some water in a container and give it   Yolande Howell, Selwyn Veterinary Clinic.

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