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businEss briEF SELWYNConnection PAGE 13
If only I had
More Time! Chris & Ayyam
Time is life. A continuum in which events
succeed one another from past, through
present, to future. you can’t manage
time, you can only manage ‘events’, and
everything is an event.
To manage our time well, we must therefore
mange the events of our life well. This requires
a good diary, daily planning, and deliberate
prioritising, to ensure the events of every day, Local Business Superstars
week, month and year are in harmony with our
governing values. Why did you start your business? and take all your stress away.
We get so busy, distracted, and consumed by We identified that Selwyn was experiencing To what do you attribute your success?
the ‘urgent’, that we inadvertently neglect the strong growth and had been the leader of It all about our customers! We absolutely
‘important’. Urgent is simply the noise of a growth for nine of the past 11 years across
few trying to impose their values, priorities or New Zealand. This caught our attention and love blowing away our customers with the
expectations onto you. So make a conscious indicated this might be an opportunity to highest level of service we can produce,
shift to the important. Those vital few events service the district with our simple storage and the results have been truly staggering.
that matter most. That you choose to commit to solutions. You can have all the vision in the world and
because they reflect your values and priorities. drive to succeed, however if you don’t have
Learn how to say “NO” nicely. What is unique about your business? the right people delivering for you daily,
Value the event of planning in solitude, every day. Most people think we sell storage. Well, you won’t succeed. We put a very high
Take control of your day by creating a clear plan, fair enough too. The words “Storage King” expectations on our team to relentlessly
a clear pathway that dilutes the noise, clarifies could lead you to believe that. The difference delivery the highest quality results possible
the priorities, and strengthens the discipline. between us and perhaps another Storage for our customers and this is single handily
We can’t manage time – we can manage place is we do not sell Storage, we sell an been the best contributor to our success.
‘moments’ experience! For example, we get asked all We also do complete a lot of community
• Five minutes every day, in solitude, to PLAN the time what does “the Kings of Storage, initiatives and support local sports teams
Moving and More” mean? Well the first
and PRIORITSE events that are in harmony with and not for profit organisations which allows
your governing values. part of the slogan is self-explanatory, us to develop great relationships within the
however the “more” is where we really
• No running around from crisis to crisis, getting get it done! We do it all! WE can arrange community. We love the opportunity to help
distracted by the urgent, tempted by the trivial, to move you, help sell you house, pack up and do our part in making Selwyn the best
and consumed by the constant pressure of
competing priorities and over-demanding people. your belongings, provide you with packing place to work, live and play in!
materials and boxes, arrange to get your
• Delegate or delete the trivial stuff from your lawns mowed and even sort a babysitter for Tell us about the Award you recently
day, remove the clutter. you! We do it all! Stressed about moving to a received?
• Don’t conform to other’s expectations, be you. new house? We can really deliver the MORE We received the International award from
• Be there and be present; for the ones you love. the industry association (Self Storage
Association of Australasia) for excellence in
• Let kindness dominate and let clarity of “community engagement”. This award is
purpose be your measure. Expect the unexpected! given to the best of the best storage facility
Life is merely a collection of memories Flooding has just compromised your business. across Australasia and to achieve this within
(past events), moments (current events) and A large earthquake has extensively damaged your 14 months of opening was a clear sign that
opportunities (future events). With increased self- facility ceasing operation.
awareness, an attitude of gratitude and a steely An event has meant your business is locked inside a we are in the right place, with the right
large cordoned area causing an immediate stop to all
resolve to focus on those magical moments your business functions. communities to achieve greatness!
that are in harmony with our governing values, A cyber terrorism attack has just corrupted all your What do you do for fun?
we can all enjoy those higher levels of enduring business data systems. We love getting involved with community
happiness and lasting contentment. Carpe diem. If you cannot offer immediate solutions to any of initiatives locally. I am the Chair for the
the above feel free to contact Triage Management
Robin Rawson Systems, specialist consultancy in Emergency Rolleston Fireworks Committee which keeps
Management, Business Continuity & Health & Safety.
Managing Director, Progress People Ltd We offer a free WOF (free 30min consultation) me busy, my wife Ayyam is on the Rolleston
We are Experts in Emergency Planning
& Business Continuity.
• Accounting Software We help to ensure that your business can still Softball Committee as the Treasurer and
operate, regardless of what might happen, along
• Computers & Software with protecting your organisation’s reputation. coaches Football and Softball as well. We
• Excel Courses Triage have two little bundles of energy, Leo (5)
• Sales Apps Systems and Charm (7 months) and they motivate us Call Jenny on 0210745960 each day to be better people, leave no stone
CALL 022 529 2077 unturned and live everyday like there is no
tomorrow! 100MPH is how we roll!