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which was increasingly powerful in   of Surabaya. Having been defeated by   to control entire Java. However, the most   process of establishing an Islamic empire   The Mosque of Kudus: a
 the interior parts of southern Java. In   Mataram’s army he was finally forced   important thing to note in this connection   in Goa-Tallo differed from that in Aceh   mixture between Hindu
 a Javanese traditional story, as De   to flee to Malacca, and subsequently   is that as early as the first decade of the   that had accepted Islamization from the   and Islamic architecture.
 Graaf and Pigeaud show, Panembahan   to Banten. Furthermore, Panembahan   17  century, Mataram had established   outset. In Goa-Tallo the king’s conversion   Source: Atlas Sejarah
 Senapati was responsible for the decline   Senapati conquered Pati and Madiun   itself as an important kingdom in Java.   to Islam meant that the kingdom was also   Indonesia Masa Islam
 of Pajang as he initiated the founding   by defeating King Progala of Pati, who   to turn Islamic due to the social pressure   (Historical Atlas of
 of the Islamic kingdom of Mataram. He   was his brother-in-law. Subsequently, in   Turning to the eastern parts of   of the Muslim traders who had become   Indonesia’s Islamic
 was the son of Ki Ageng Pamahanan   around 1590, Kudus capitulated after the   Nusantara, Islam developed in line with   increasingly powerful and politically more   Period), 2010.
 who is considered to be the ancestor   Prince of Kudus had fled to East Java,   the rise of maritime trade marked by the   influential.
 of the Mataram dynasty and who had   and in 1599 Jepara and Kalinyamat were   establishment of two leading Islamic
 supposedly contributed to Jaka Tingkir’s   also subdued.  Kingdom, Goa-Tallo in South Sulawesi   Therefore, about two years after Sultan
 victory over Aria Penangsang in Jipang,   Thus, until the last decade of the 16    and Ternate in Maluku. Just like in   Alauddin the ruler of Goa converted
 where both had been members of the   century, Mataram had secured almost   Banten in Java and Aceh in Sumatra,   to Islam in 1607, and the subsequent
 Pajang military forces. In fact, since his   every important area in Central Java.   the two kingdoms made their progress   kingdom of Tallo adopted Islam as their
 merit was so great because he defeated   Senapati’s further territorial expansionist   after joining the international maritime   official religion and ideology. Along with
 Aria Penangsang, Ki Ageng Pamanahan   efforts included the efforts to conquer   trade following the conquest of Malacca.   the spread of Islam, the rulers of the
 was given a special territory and   the eastern parts of Java, where he tried   Supported by the production of spices,   twin kingdom Goa-Tallo expanded his
 Javanese traditional sources tell that he   to ensure that Mataram continued to   the two kingdoms dominated the eastern   territory by subjugating other kingdoms in
 cleared his own forest in Mataram, which   be recognized by the Islamic kingdoms   trade corridors of the archipelago,   Sulawesi. This territorial expansion was
 became the basis for the establishment   in East Java. However, Senapati met   because of which they had to reckon with   mainly inspired by economic interests in
 of his own kingdom.  with a tough challenge from the ruler   the interests of the Portuguese and the   order to get the commodities international
 In the early period of the kingdom,   of Surabaya who was emerging as   Dutch in Maluku.  traders were looking for. As will be
                                                 described in detail below, Goa-Tallo had
 around the end of the 16  century,   the holder of political hegemony in   The transition of the double kingdom,   succeeded to turn into a leading Islamic
 Mataram’s power was limited to the areas   East Java. According to De Graaf and   Goa Tallo, to Islam, around 1602 or 1607,   kingdom in the eastern part of Nusantara
 that were previously under Pajang’s   Pigeaud, a battle between Surabaya and   took place when Muslim traders who   by controlling economic resources and
 domination. Panembahan Senapati, the   Mataram was about to take place when   initially were only members of religious   trade in Sulawesi.
 first king of Mataram, slowly built his   Senapati dispatched a large army to   communities, established socio-political
 political power by conquering several   the east. But, due to Sunan Giri, battle   forces to serve as agents of Islamization.   Like Goa-Tallo, the kingdom of Ternate
 other regions in Java. His first target   could be avoided at least until Senapati’s   This reached its peak when the kingdom   had seen progress in line with the
 was Demak, where he drove out the   death in 1601 and after he had been   saw the arrival of three clerics from   development of spice trade in the
 last descendant of Demak’s dynasty,   replaced by his son, Panembahan Seda   the Minangkabau are (West Sumatra),   eastern part of Nusantara. Having been
 Pangeran Puger, who tried to revolt after   ing Krapyak (1601-1613). During the reign   who were formally responsible for the   established in the 13  century, the
 entering into an alliance with the ruler   of both kings, Mataram was still unable   conversion to Islam of the ruler. The   kingdom of Ternate later developed into

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