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revolution”, in which Islam occupied    knowledge. Meanwhile, the ties with the               of Islamization. In the eastern part of   came from various regions in Java and   The Mosque of Indrapuri
                                   the most important position within the   Ottoman Empire were further recognized               Java, it conquered territories that went   they included Pangeran Bonang, Sunan   in Aceh is a silent
                                   formation of the world view that came to   as having been particularly important in           through a process of Islamization such   Makdum Sampang, Kyai Pambuyan            witness of the arrival of
                                   consider pre-Islamic times as the age   encouraging Acehnese rulers to wage                   as Tuban, or regions that still adhered   and Sunan Gunung Jati. The ruler of     Islam in Indonesia.
                                   of darkness. This latter assumption was   war, though unsuccessfully, against                 to Hindu-Buddhist beliefs since they   Demak had appointed them as prayer         Source: Directorate of
                                   further elaboration upon by Azyumardi   the Portuguese in Malacca in 1615 and                 had been under Majapahit as Wirasari   leaders in the mosque and as teachers      History and Cultural
                                   Azra, a leading historian from the UIN   1629. There is no clear evidence of the              in 1528, Madiun in 1529, Blora in 1530,   on various disciplines of Islamic teaching.   Values, Ministry of
                                   Jakarta, in his work on the networks    direct involvement of the Ottoman Empire              and Surabaya and Pasuruan in 1531      This suggests that, as the first Islamic   Education and Culture
                                   of Malay scholars in the Middle East.   in the attack, but it may be assumed,                 and 1535 respectively. Meanwhile,      kingdom in Java, Demak played a key        of the Republic of
                                   Azra proved that since the 16  century   that the closely interwoven connection               Lamongan, Blitar, and Wirasaba were    role in the Islamization of Javanese       Indonesia.
                                   the ties between the Malay-Indonesian   with the Ottoman Empire had instigated                conquered in 1541 and 1542. A year     society.
                                   Archipelago and the Middle East had not   attacks on territories that had fallen into         later, Demak also conquered mount      This role became increasingly clear
                                   been limited to trade, but also included   the hands of non-Muslim rulers. After              Penanggungan, which had become the     in the Islamization of West Java.
                                   intellectual and religious levels. Through   all succesful attack against Malacca             last bastion for the Hindu-Buddhist elites.   Demak supported the establishment
                                   the Nusantara scholars who studied in   was economically very strategic for the               The expansion efforts continued up to   of an Islamic Kingdom in Cirebon and
                                   Mecca and Medina like Hamzah Fansuri,   control of the trade routes in the western            Panarukan and Blambangan.              Banten. Demak also sent Nurullah,
                                   Nuruddin ar-Raniri and Abdurrauf al-    parts of the archipelago.                             The expansions into the eastern part   then known as Sunan Gunung Jati,
                                   Singkili, Islam in the archipelago came                                                       of Java were made in conjunction with   to establish its power in Banten and
                                   more directly under the influence of the   Along with the rise of Aceh in                     the conversion of the local communities   Cirebon, along with the conversion of
                                   Islamic discourse in the Middle East.   Sumatra, Java was also undergoing an                  to Islam. For that reason, Demak was   their inhabitants to Islam. The two power
                                   Religious scholars became responsible   intensive process of Islamization. The                subsequently well recognized as the    centers developed into great Islamic
                                   for religious-intellectual transmission in   establishment of Demak (1516) was                power behind the Islamization of Java.   kingdom with important contributions to
                                   the archipelago.                        an important stage in the process of                  The Demak mosque, built around the     the Islamization process of the Sunda
                                                                           Islamization in Java because it meant
                                   Following the arguments of the two      the end of Majapahit and the begining                 second half of the 15  century, was    region which had been under control
                                   scholars, the development of trade in   of a new period . If the Islamization                 believed by Javanese community to      of the Hindu kingdom Pajajaran. This
                                   Aceh had put the kingdom on an axis     had previously been based in coastal                  have been the rallying center of the   mainly took place after the north coast
                                   closely connected to other trade centers   economic centers like Tuban, Gresik,               “nine saints” (Wali Sanga), a group of   of Java had become more crowded
                                   in different parts of the Muslim world   Panarukan, Pati, Jepara and Kudus                    saints responsible for the Islamization   by Muslim traders who alighted there
                                   like the Middle East and the Ottoman                                                          of Java. One section of the Hikayat    after the conquest of Malacca. At that
                                   Empire. In his Bustan al-Salatin,       by the establishment of Demak this                    Hasanuddin, a text about the kings of   time, the traders had spread to the
                                   Nuruddin ar-Raniri described Aceh as    process were made in accordance with                  Banten, mentions the names of the      eastern part of the archipelago so that
                                   having scholars from the Middle East    centralized royal policy.                             prayer leaders (imam) in the Demak     Banten and Cirebon soon became the
                                   who taught various disciplines of Islamic   Demak expanded its power by way                   mosque. They were the saints (wali) who   centers of trade and Islamization. In fact,

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