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particularly in Banten, political expansion   half of the 16  century, with the new   it guaranteed the continuing process   world after the fall of Malacca to the
 and Islamization had succeeded not only   sultanate had to face a number of royal   of Islamization at the community level   Portuguese. The merchants were
 in thwarting the most powerful alliance   political conflicts, tinged by pre-Islamic   because it was in line with the ongoing   looking for new environments in the
 between the Portuguese in Malacca and   Javanese political traditions as Pajang   process of cultural adaptability. Indeed,   eastern parts of the archipelago for their
 Pajajaran in Pakuan, the ruler of Banten,   and subsequently Mataram. Mataram   Mataram’s political determination had   trading activities, however in the process
 Sultan Hasanuddin, even managed to   foundation can be seen as the inception   spawned sharp conflicts as it had ended   they also played importants rules in
 beat Pajajaran. In 1527 this victory was   of the sort of Islam that suited the   the domination of coastal Islam, being   established new economic and political
 further coupled with the success of   demands of Javanese culture. Growing   considered as representing Islam’s   centers. The kingdoms prospered in
 conquering Sunda Kelapa the area was   on an agricultural basis, Javanese culture   urban and cosmopolitan culture, and put   line with their active involvement in the
 later named Jayakarta (or Jakarta today).  put more emphasis on a centralized   forward the dominant form of Javanese   ever-increasing maritime trade and with
 power center, the mono-palace, unlike   Islam, which is often seen as “syncretic”.   Islamization. The latter point is proved
 An almost similar pattern of policy was   the coastal culture of Demak, which   However, as many historians noted,   by the presence of three Malay religious
 also conducted in the regions of East   acknowledged the existence of poly-  the establishment of Mataram also   scholars who introduced Islam to the
 Java. The kingdom of Demak allowed   palaces and thus of various centers of   means the intensification of Islam in the   kingdom of Goa-Tallo. They were Abdul
 Kudus and Jepara to remain relatively   power. Mataram represented an empire   formulation of the identity of Javanese   Makmur who was well-known by the
 independent, and it offered the free   that based on the Javanese culture of   culture. Islam had become crucial for the   epithet Datuk ri Bandang, Sulaiman or
 hands to Sunan Kudus and Ratu   the interior. Sultan Agung (1613-1646),   royal political system or at the very least,   Datuk Patimang and Abdul Jawad or
 Kalinyamat to proceed with the program   Mataram’s greatest king, is credited with   Islamic symbols had become part of the   Datuk ri Tiro. According to Anthony Reid,
 of Islamization. Next to Demak, Kudus   the most merit in basing his kingdom on   political foundation of the kingdom. The   they had been sent by Aceh and actually
 developed into a the renowned Islamic   the Javanese cultural style. Thus, the   next ruler, Amangkurat IV (1719-1724),   at the request of Muslim merchants who
 centers. Sunan Kudus, was also a very   destruction of the Islamic power centers   proclaimed himself as the “God’s vice-  had been living in Goa-Tallo.
 influential Muslim figure who contributed   on Java’s north coast by the Mataram   regent on earth” as expressed in his
 to the spread of Islam in Java. Sunan   ruler, Amangkurat I (1646-1677), was   title kalipatullah, a title derived from the   After I Mangarangi Daeng Manriba,
 Kudus was one the “Nine Saints” (Wali   merely a Javanese culture call that   Islamic political tradition.   the king of Goa-Tallo, had converted
 Sanga) Similar attempts were also made   required the establishment of only one   to Islam in 1605, he added the title
 by Sunan Giri in Gresik, so that the area   power center.  Turning to other areas, a more intensive   Sultan Tumenga ri Gaukanna to his
 developed into a center of trade and   process of Islamization took place   name and the Islamization process
 Islamization at the eastern end of Java   The important role of Mataram’s in the   in Sulawesi and Maluku after the   in Sulawesi continued with the king’s
 and further on to the island of Lombok in   process of Islamization may be explained   establishment of two leading Islamic   political support. The king of Goa-Tallo
 in its successful integration of Islam into
                                                 seems to have strongly supported the
          kingdoms in the Eastern Archipelago:
 Nusa Tenggara.
 the more overall system of Javanese   Goa-Tallo and Ternate. It is noteworthy   Islamization in several small kingdoms
 The policy of Demak did not seem   culture, as well as in the core of the   that the development of these kingdoms   in the region. In 1611, for example,
 to have been an effective political   centralized Javanese-royal political   coincided with the massive exodus   the ruler of Bone, Latenrirua, and his
 mechanism in Java. In the second   system. This means that simultaneously   of Muslim merchants from the Malay   people accepted Islam after the king

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