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The text known under the name Klopak    pluralistic atmosphere. So, in facing the               believers’ chief). Know that you     so called “rivers” must always remember
                                   Ferrara, following the name of the library   hypothetical situation of the sustainability       are the spring, and all ministers,   that the king is no more than a servant of
                                   where the text is preserved (Ferrara,   of pluralism or of “mixed society”, the                 chief commanders are only rivers in   God, who has been blessed by God with
                                   Italy), originates from the late 16  century   Tajus Salatin tends to encourage the             parable. If the spring is pure it won’t   “royalty” and “majesty”. That is why their
                                   and, as revealed by Drewes,  shows the   use of power mechanisms. Article 21                    matter if every river is muddy. But it is   main task is to maintain the sanctity of
                                   atmosphere on the north coast, which    describes the strategy that should be                   useless if the spring is muddy and all   the trust that God has bestowed on them.
                                   was still a mixed community, so that    used to deal with social groups that were               the rivers are pure.” 58
                                   this text clearly differentiates between   still un-Islamic, which was to make them           Of course the ideal situation is when both   Because “adil” or justice is the beginning
                                   Islamic and Hindu behavior. Therefore, it   believe gradually, without coercion, so           “spring” and “rivers” are pure. And, the   and the foundation of everything, the
                                   is not surprising that one of the political   that the pagan groups would ultimately          Tajus-Salatin is the text made for this   king and his aides have to meet several
                                   programs that emanates from one of the   abandon their religion. Although they                purpose: “This book is the sign of Divine   requirements. A king should be mature,
                                   oldest texts is actually the expansion   were allowed to freely practice their                blessing for the goodness of the world   knowledgeable, good-looking, generous,
                                   of the Islamic community. In other      religion, according to the advice in the              and the hereafter.”                    grateful, courageous, and sharp (by
                                   words, the text is an invitation to master   Tajus-Salatin the infidels should not be                                                lessening eating meals and sleep),
                                   the social system, through changing     allowed to build new houses of worship.               From the beginning to the end, it is clear   keeping his distance from women, and
                                   behavioral patterns from un-Islamic to   This is understandable as the text                   that for the Tajus-Salatin unity of divinity   he should be a man, because women
                                   Islamic. This is not so with the Tajus   actually departs from the notion that                in the context of power revolves around   were less rational. The latter is described
                                   Salatin which was written in a historical   an ideal state is an atmosphere of total          the necessity of creating an atmosphere   at length, but the text offers a solution.
                                   context when power was already in       unity and harmony between creatures                   of justice. And, as key element, the   When there is no other option because
                                   the hands of Islamic rulers. This text   and the Creator, between people and                  king should ensure that his atmosphere   of the absence of acceptable male heirs,
                                   emerged in a situation when disbelief   all the dignitaries and the king. If so,              is created. Using the Sheikh Shaqiq’s   then a woman can also be a king, “from
                                   had been abandoned and religious        what exactly did this famous text want                parable, everything starts with the    the joy of all the servants of Allah so that
                                   homogeneity had already replaced the    to convey? Although it talks about many               “spring”.                              no slander arises between the people so
                                   did not master the Islamic teachings well or they   different things, it is clear that the Tajus-  He is the Sultan Khalifat al-Rahman   that they would perish.”  In other words,
                                   slipped in pre-Islamic assumption or deviated from   Salatin’s main target was completely     (the Sultan, the vicegerent of God the   in line with classical Sunni political
                                   the original Arabic and Persian sources. Therefore,                                           Merciful) and Sultan Zill Allah fi al-Alam   thought, the presence of authority is a
                                   these chronicles also offered historical distortions.   consistent with its title i.e. the Crown of
                                   Had the author seen that the essence of chronicles   all Kings (Mahkota Segala Raja-Raja).    (the Sultan, the Divine Shadow in the   non-negotiable requirement. Anarchy
                                   is as texts, not as attempts to execute teachings or                                          Universe). Otherwise, “the king is the   59.  Khalid, 1966: 64; Jusuf’s content is slightly
                                   history, their valuation would certainly have been   In one of the stories quoted in this text                                       different. It might be true that the assumption that
                                   different. Moreover, in his elucidation he forgot                                             shadow of the devil and the deputy of   Iskandar Tsani was succeeded by his consort
                                   that initially, these chronicles were delivered orally.   we are told that Sultan Harun al-Rashid   Satan, the enemy of Allah, instead.” But,   (1641), Sultanah Taj Alam, was on the advice in
                                   If they were written (then) copies of these texts   emotionally justified the sayings of      no matter how just a king may be, the   the Tajus-Salatin (Iskandar I965d). In line with the
                                   underwent a variety of changes. On the oral nature   Sheikh Shaqiq, the ascetic,                                                     Sunni political tradition in force since the time of
                                   of these chronicles, see Sweeney.                                                             ministers, officials, and commanders, the   the Caliphs, the presence of legitimate power is
                                   57.  Drewes, 1979: 76.                     “Yes, Amirul-mukminin (lit. the                    58.  Khalid Edition, 1966: 77.         better than anarchy.

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