P. 398

Tabel 6
              Parties          1992            %             1997             %
                PPP         16.624.647        17,00        25.340.028       22,43
               Golkar       66.599.331        68,10        84.187.907       74,51
                PDI         14.565.556        14,89        3.463.225         3,06
               Total        97.789.534        100          112.991.150       100

 PPP, younger generation of the   with a new strategy of what Bahtiar   Uniquely in an era where Islamic political   Amil Zakat Infak dan Sedekah, Charity   Table 6 Results of the
 Islamic activities tried to formulate   Effendy  described as a breakthrough   parties saw a decline, especially in   Board) (1991), the lifting of the ban on   1992 and 1997 Elections
 a new transformation strategy. Din   to reconcile Islam and the state with a   the 1990s, the process of Islamization   wearing head scarves in public schools   Source: The General
 Syamsuddin  called the move   new theology of political Islam. They   of Indonesia had run smoothly. At   (1991) and other government policies   Elections Commission
 undertaken by PPP leaders and by   were the young generation of political   the grassroot and community levels,   adapted to Muslim aspirations.  (
 a Muslim intellectual, Nurcholish   Islamic groups who tried to propose a   Islamization was carried out by Islamic   In the 1992 general elections, support
 Madjid, to be an accommodative step.   new approach in negotiating with power.   activists who focused on the propagation   for Golkar began to wane as popular
 Mintaredja explained that the relationship   Although the new strategies of political   of Islam, while at the political level   discontent against Soeharto increased.
 between Islam and the Pancasila was   Islam under the New Order regime are   Islamization occured not only in the   Opposition within society increased and
 understandable because during the   regarded as co-opted Islam, this new   civil services, but also in political   the PDI accomplishments also increased
 time of the Prophet Muhammad there   approach had enabled the establishment   parties that were previously considered   sharply. Interestingly, in the 1997 general
 had never ever been the term “Islamic   of better relationships between Islam   secular. This process of Islamization   election, the Golkar and PPP grew,
 state”. The Muslims’ responsibility was   and the state. The Islamic parties had   occurred in the body of the ruling party   while the PDI slumped. The decline of
 to struggle for and create a true Islamic   suffered a setback, but political power   (Golkar) and also in the opposition party   the number of votes for the PDI was
 society, and that was not quite the same   and bureaucracy could widely accept   (PDI). A satisfying development of the   triggered by dissatisfaction withthe PDI’s
 as to struggle to establish an Islamic   Islam’s aspirations.  The founding of   role of Islam in the political arena was the   new leadership, which was considered
 state. An Islamic society can be realized   the Association of Indonesian Muslim   enactment of several laws that favored   to be government-inspired. More details
 without leading to the disintegration of   Intellectuals (Ikatan Cendekiawan   Muslims’ interests. One was the Law on   about these changes can be seen in the
 the nation. According to Mintaredja,   Muslim Indonesia, ICMI) in 1990 was an   National Education that required all levels   following table.
 because politics is a worldly affair,   important milestone for the acceptance   at all schools to offer religious education
 apolitical approach to Islam cannot be   of Islam groups at the government level   in accordance with the professed religion   Political Movements in the Era of
 but something secular. Mintaredja’s   without going through the channels   of their pupils (1988). Others are the Law   Reformasi
 view was in line with that of Nurcholish   of political parties based on Islamic   on Islamic Legislation Courts, the Law
 Madjid who coined the slogan, “Islam   principles. Since then, Islam was an   on the Compilation of Islamic Law (1991),   Muslims enthusiastically greeted
          the administrative arrangements of alms
 yes, Islamic party no.” Muslim leaders   important attraction for anyone who   giving (zakat) through BAZIS (Badan   Soeharto’s fall in 1998 and they reacted
 severely criticized this renewal concept   wanted to pursue a career within the   in a spirit of establishing Islamic parties.
 because italienate Muslims from Islamic   system of power. 56  Indonesia:  Sebuah  Kajian  Tentang  Cendekiawan   Islam’s re-birth as an ideological
          Muslim  Masa  Order  Baru  (Jakarta:  Paramadina,
 political parties.  54. Effendy. Teologi Baru Politik Islam, p.9-28.  1995), pp.235-240.  force was marked by the founding of
 55. Fachry  Ali  and  Bahtiar  Effendy.  Pathfinding  a   57. Taufik  Abdullah.“The  Formation  of  a  New   Islamic parties and cultural forces that
 In response to the New Order regime’s   New  Path  of  Islam:  Reconstruction  of  Indonesian   Paradigm:  a  Sketch  on  Contemporary  Islamic   manifested themselves within secular
 repressive policy against Islamic groups,   Islamic  Thoughts  within  the  New  Order  Epoch   Discourse,”  in  Mark  R.  Woodward,  ed.  Toward  a   parties. Two parties came to represent
 new generations of Muslims came up   (Jakarta:Puslitbang  Kementrian  Agama  RI,  2011),   New Paradigm: Recent Developments in Indonesian   Muslim groups because they adopted
          Islamic Thought. Arizona: Arizona State University,
 53. Syamsuddin. Islam dan Politik ..., p.70.  56. Syafii  Anwar.  Pemikiran  dan  Aksi  Islam   1996, p.47-64.  Islam as their foundation, the Prosperous

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