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revive the only Islamic party during the   awakening people) group established                established NU guideline principles.   established by K.H. Yusuf Hasjim,          During Abdurrahman
                                   New Order era. But again he declined    in the Reformasi era. After the NU had                In the meeting of the NU consultative   and the Indonesian Union of National      Wahid’s administration,
                                   since he considered himself not the right   distanced itself from practical politics for      and executive boards on June 3, 1998,   Solidarity Party (Partai Solidaritas      a shift took place within
                                   person to lead the PPP as it was rife with   decades following the decision of the            it installed a Team of Five in charge   Nasional Uni Indonesia, Partai Suni),     the MUI. The clearest
                                   intra-factional conflicts.              1926 khittah (guiding principle), it finally          to realize NU’s aspirations composed   founded by Abu Hasan. In the end,          changes were related to
                                                                           saw the need to own its own party in                  of K.H. Ma‘ruf Amin (chairman), K.H.   although a number of parties emerged       its financial system and
                                   The PAN is an inclusive party with an                                                         Dawam Anwar, Dr. K.H. Said Agil Siradj,                                           the relations between the
                                   Indonesian face. The most important     order to voice the aspirations of Muslims             H.M. Rozy Munir and H. Ahmad Bagdja.   on behalf of NU, only the PKB still exists   MUI and the government
                                                                           who embrace the notion of the Ahlus
                                   party decisions are made in a National   Sunna walJamaah(the people of the                    With the full of PBNU support, the Team   at present.                             experienced.
                                   Congress, an Extraordinary Congress,    Prophetic tradition and congregation),                of Five was assisted by Arifin Junaidi   Along the course of its career the PKB
                                   or in National Working Sessions         that follows the Shafi’i School. Not                  (chairman), H. Muhyidin Aburusman,     had to face many internal conflicts that   Source: Ensiklopedia
                                   (Rakernas). Although the Muhamadiyyah   long after Soeharto resigned as the                   H.M. Fachri Taha, H.M. Nashihin Hasan,   had led to either the disband mentor the   Nahdlatul Ulama:
                                   supported PAN’s inception it cannot be   President of the Republic of Indonesia,              H. Andi Muarly Sunrawa, H. Abdul Aziz   establishment of new parties because      Sejarah, Tokoh dan
                                   said that PAN was the Muhammadiyah’s    the NU, which had gone through a long                 MA, H. Lukman H. Saifuddin, Drs. Amin   of disharmonious relations between the    Khasanah Pesantren
                                   only party. Considering that            period of political cooptation by the                 Said Husni, and Muhaimin Iskandar.     supporters of Abdurahman Wahid (Gus        (Encyclopedia of the NU:
                                   Muhammadiyah members had already        Soeharto regime, greeted the overthrow                The teams continued to work until it   Dur) and his opponents. These conflicts    History, Figures, and its
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Treasury of Pesantrens).
                                   been involved in political parties such as   enthusiastically. The NU Central Board           was finally able to complete its task in   could not be resolved because of Gus
                                   the PPP or Golkar, PAN was expected to   (PBNU) suggested to create a political               a recommendation to form the National   Dur’s very strong position as chairman of
                                   be able to expand its social basis outside   forum for NU members. Not only did               Awakening Party (Partai Kebangkitan    the consultative council at that time while
                                   the Muhammadiyah but still to offer the   almost all regional boards support the              Bangsa, PKB). On July 23, 1998 at Gus   the highest decision-making mechanism
                                   widest possibility for Muhammadiyah     PBNU to assist the establishment of a                 Dur’s house in Ciganjur, South Jakarta, a   also did not work well. Consequently,
                                   members to join. PAN bases spread       political party, some NU activists even               party that was born from the womb of the   the PKB went through ups and downs
                                   throughout Indonesia, but its main      had already taken a further step by                   NU was declared.                       in terms of vote results. In the 1999
                                   bases are in West Sumatra and in West   holding a series of meetings to prepare               Although the NU had created the PKB,   election it collected 12.61% of the total
                                   and Central Java. In the 1999 election,   for the establishment of a political party.         this did not mean that there were no   votes, but in the 2004 and 2009 elections
                                   PAN got 7.12% of the votes, and in the   Having received so many proposals from               other NU mass-based parties. Not long   (10.57% and 4.94%) respectively. But
                                   following general elections in 2004,    the regions, the PBNU finally managed                 after PKB’s declaration, several other   in the 2014 elections it saw an increase
                                   2009, and 2014 respectively got 6.44%,   to capture the aspirations that seemed               parties were also declared that also   to approximately 10%. In general, the
                                   6.01%, and 7.5%.                        to be unstoppable. Various NU elements                claimed to represent the awakening     PKB bases remained in East and Central
                                                                           had even proposed no less than 39                     groups’ aspirations. These parties     Java, Banten, and South Kalimantan.
                                   National Awakening Party (PKB)
                                                                           names for the party. Of course, the NU                were the Nahdlatul Ulama Party (PNU),   Since its establishment, its chairmen
                                   The National Awakening Party (PKB)      tried to accommodate these aspirations                established by K.H.Syukron Ma’mun,     have been Matori Abdul Jalil and
                                   is the party of the Nahdliyin (lit.     but in such a way as not to violate the               the Awakening People Party (PKU)       Muhaimin Iskandar.

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