P. 405
received less than two percent of the 25 years in an unsupportive political controlled by the Parmusi elements, also once again based on Islamic principles
total votes. In fact, efforts to rebuild the atmosphere. Golkar’s domination during called Muslimin Indonesia (MI), which after having been forced to adhere to the
Masjumi’s greatness through the PBB the New Order era had caused the tended to be close to the New Order ruler. single principle of the Pancasila during
all failed because the Muslim’s political PPP to decline from one election to the H.J. Naro held the leadership until 1989, the Soeharto era. Later, Suryadarma Ali,
dynamics in the reform era showed that next. However, in addition to improved after which he was replaced by Ismail also from the NU replaced Hamzah Haz.
each group of Muslims tried to establish opportunities and political freedom in Hasan Metareum, also from the MI.
its own party in accordance with the the era of Reformasi, the PPP also In the era of Reformasi, the PPP In the first election after the era of
organizations currents. Various Islamic found itself in a difficult position. As a faced internal challenges asits cadres’ Reformasi in 1999, the PPP gained
leaders with a historical relationship with party that could no longer claim to be demanded that an internal reform was 10.71% of the votes. In the 2004
the Masjumi also established their own the only Islamic party the PPP now had carried out. They were joined by the election it tumbled to 8.15% and
parties rather than join the PBB, such to develop new strategies to ensureits members of the Reform Committee - continued to decline in the 2009
as the Indonesian Muslims Party (PUI) future existence. United Development Party (KR-PPP) election with only 5.32% of the votes
chaired by Deliar Noer, the Masjumi Because it was originally a fusion of four to hold an immediate national meeting while in the 2014 general election the
Indonesian Islamic Party (Partai Islam Islamic parties, the PPP inherited many demanding Ismail Hasan Metareum to percentage slightly increased to 6.5%.
Indonesia Masjumi) under the leadership internal conflicts involving the parties’ step down since he was responsible Like other Islamic parties, the PPP’s
of Abdullah Hehamahua, and the New various and unreconcilable interests. for the PPP support for Soeharto at bases were in West and Central Java
Masjumi Party led by Ridwan Saidi. All One by one the PPP leaders who were the General Session of the MPR in and Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam.
these Islamic parties were previously critical of the government were removed. 1998. The KR-PPP group occupied
affiliated to the Masjumi and did not get The PPP increasingly grew into a party the PPP’s central leadership office but Prosperous Justice Party (PKS)
Muslim support as evidenced by the that was co-opted by the interests of Buya Ismail’s supporters took it back. The Prosperous Justice Party (Partai
small number of votes they got in the the New Order regime. At the beginning Responding to this heated internal unrest Keadilan Sejahtera) was originally
1999 election (1.94%). of the PPP’s formation, NU’s Idham a national meeting was held in June named the Justice Party (Partai
Chalid was its chairman while Parmusi’s 1998 and it decided to accelerate the Keadilan). Because it had failed to
United Development Party (PPP)
H.M.S. Mintaredja who was a close organization of a national conference meet the electoral threshold in the
The only Islamic party founded in the associate of Soeharto’s, was appointed to resolve the issues surrounding the 1999 election, for the 2004 election PK
Reform era is the United Development vice chairman. In accordance with an party’s leadership. From November 29 to changed its name to be PKS. Among
Party (PPP) and it is thus the oldest agreement between the signatories of December 2, 1998, the PPP successfully the existing parties, the PKS was
Islamic party that is still in existence. It the party’s declaration, H.M.S. Mintaredja held its Muktamar IV in which Hamzah included into agroup of new parties that
was founded in 1973 in the early days was appointed PPP chairman for the Haz of the NU was elected the party’s had no traditional mass basis. Most
of the New Order and it was a fusion period 1973-1978. In the next period the chairman. From then on, NU figures led PKS supporters were Muslim activists
of the NU, Parmusi, PSII and Perti. In leadership was handed over to H.J. Naro the PPP. The congress also decided to nurtured in study groups on campuses
the Reform era it got the opportunity to without going through a party meeting. change the party’s logo from the old star known as Tarbiyah (lit. education). It
develop after having existed for about From then on, the PPP was strongly to the Ka’ba. The PPP was revived and is not surprising that the members of
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