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this educated group did not have any   ideologies. Kuntowijoyo  called them   Through the Islamic propagation network   After Hidayat Nur Wahid, the leadership   The LDK Salman ITB. The
 emotional and historical ties with old   ‘Muslims without mosques’.  on campuses, these educational   was taken up by Tifatul Sembiring, Luhfi   Congregation of Salman
 Islamic mass-organizations, because   There are three factors behind the   movements coalesced in the Lembaga   Hasan Ishaq, and, currently, by Anis   ITB was the first LDK that
 most of them were from new generations   emergence of the new santris in the   Dakwah Kampus (Campus Propagation   Matta. In the 2004 election, with 7.3%,   was established, namely
 of Muslims who were not bound by   63  Agency, LDK), which began to flourish   the PKS managed to gain enough votes.   on May 30, 1964.
 the dichotomy between traditionalist   1980s.  First, the strong repression of   in the mid-1980s. Through this network   In the 2009 election, the party managed   Source: Documentary of
 and modernist Muslims. Although their   political Islamic groups and the failure   they later founded the Indonesian Muslim   to gain 7.8% of the overall votes, but was   the Salman ITB.
 of Islamic parties during the New Order
 families might have been rooted in major   Student Action Union (Kesatuan Aksi   less succesful in the 2014 election with
 Islamic mass-organizations, such as   era had made the younger generations   Mahasiswa Muslim Indonesia, KAMMI)   6.9% of the votes.
 the Muhammadiyah, NU, Persis and   of Muslims in Indonesia to try to find   established in Malang on March 29,
 other mass-organizations, the tussle of   political channels that differed from   1998. Along with other student elements,   Political Movement and
 Islamic propagation on campuses had   those of their parents. Second, religious   KAMMI demanded Soeharto to resign   Democratic Consolidation
 turned them away from existing Islamic   education in public universities tended   as president. After Soeharto’s fall, the   Marcus Mietzner has analysed the post-
 organizations. The reason was that   to introduce universal Islam and tried   educational movement, backed by FSLDK   Soeharto conditions in Indonesia and
 public campuses in the New Order era   to avoid contravening issues that often   and KAMMI transformed into a political   how Muslims played a role in creating
 had deliberately been kept away from   caused conflicts among the adherents of   party called the Justice Party (Partai   the democratic consolidation in the
 the influences of youth organizations   either traditionalists or modernists Islam.   Keadilan, PK). On July 28, 1998, the PK   country. He divided the reform era into
 affiliated with Islamic political parties   Third, international influences affected   was officially declared in the Al-Azhar   two periods: democratic transition (1998-
 and mass-organizations. Through the   the spirit of revolution and the Islamic   Mosque in Jakarta and Nurmahmudi Ismail   2004) and democratic consolidation
 policy of the normalization of campus life,   awakening attracted the young Muslim   was elected president.  (2004-present). This is not an ideal
 the regime restricted the organizational   generation who had been disappointed   The PK participated in the 1999 election   description to understand the actual
 activities ofthe students of many major   with the co-opted Muslim organizations   but because it was a newcomer in   condition inIndonesian politics, but the
 universities. Syafi’i Anwar referred   and their leaders. The Tarbiyah group   politics it got only 1.4% of the votes. In   analysis may help to look at the role of
 to these Muslim groups that had no   that became the PKS basis drew   2000, Nurmahmudi was replaced by   Islam in both periods.
 emotional and ideological ties as neo-  inspiration from figures of the Muslim   Hidayat Nur Wahid. On April 20, 2003,
 santris. These religious groups were   Brotherhood in Egypt and they adopted   under the leadership of Al-Muzammil   First. The era of democratic transition
 represented by a generation of Muslims   Hassan al-Banna’s political thought   Yusuf the PKS was founded in an   (1998-2004) began on May 21, 1998
 whose political ideology was Islam-  as the basis of their Islamic political   effort to anticipate the situation that the   when Soeharto officially resigned as
 oriented, but they had lost confidence   thinking.  PK could not participate in the 2004   president and B.J. Habibie, the vice
 in both existing Islamic political parties   62. Kuntowijoyo.  Muslim  Tanpa  Masjid  (Bandung:   elections as it did not meet the electoral   president and chairman of ICMI, became
 and the younger generation of Muslims   Mizan, 2001), p. 133.  threshold. In July 2003, the PK formally   64. Marcus  Mietzner.  Military  Politics,  Islam,  and
 who preferred socialist and secularist   63. Yon Machmudi. Islamising Indonesia: the Rise of   merged with the PKS and Hidayat Nur   the  State  in  Indonesia:  from  Turbulent  Transition
 Jemaah Tarbiyah and the Prosperous Justice Party   to  Democratic  Consolidation  (Singapore:  ESEAS,
 61. Syafii Anwar. Pemikiran...,pp. 128-133.  (PKS), (Canberra: ANU Epress, 2008), pp.23-30.  Wahid became the party’s president.   2009), pp. 195-329.

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