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the president of Indonesia until an     contributed to help the Indonesian                    and they began to have a national      The main challenge for Indonesian
                                   election was held. Although he served   nation to get through the difficult times             consciousness within the framework     Muslims in the present political
                                   not too long as president, Habibie is   in the transitional phase towards                     of the Unitary State of the Republic of   conditions is no longer about ideology
                                   considered to have greatly contributed to   democratic consolidation.                         Indonesia (NKRI). In the 2004 election,   and nationalism, but much more on the
                                   saving Indonesia in the transition period   One of the political achievements of              the role of Islam in politics was also very   ability of Islamic parties to establish
                                   until the democratic elections in 1999.                                                       important. Hidayat Nur Wahid, the former   a propertrack record. Corruption,
                                                                           the Indonesian Muslims is the success
                                   The transition era towards democracy    of Abdurahman Wahid (former NU                        president of the PKS was elected to    for example,is a chronic problem in
                                   was a difficult time and full of challenges.   chairman) as a representative of the           replace Amien Rais as chairman of the   Indonesia and infects almost all political
                                   The freedom of political engagement and   Muslims’ strength by occupying the                  People’s Consultative Assembly.        parties, including Islamic parties.
                                   opinion was successfully attained and   highest position as the president of the              In the 2009 election, eight parties    Unfortunately, also Muslim activists were
                                   led not only to encourage wider public   Republic of Indonesia in 1999. Similarly,            had met the parliamentary threshold    caught in corruption cases because of
                                   participation but also had unavoidable   the election of Amin Rais (former                    and they were able to deliver their    the high cost of politics in Indonesia.
                                   negative consequences. The freedom      chairman of the Muhammadiyah) as the                  representatives in Senayan. These      The cases that hit several members
                                   euphoria that was not balanced with     chairman of the People’s Consultative                 parties were the Democratic Party,     from Islamic groups of the House of
                                   political stability and law enforcement   Assembly (1999-2004) and Akbar                      Golkar Party, Indonesian Democratic    Representatives had set a bad precedent
                                   had invited a wide range of legal issues,   Tanjung (former chairman of the PB                Party of Struggle, Prosperous Justice   and created the negative image in
                                   conflicts, and disintegration. In this   HMI) as chairman of the House of                     Party, National Mandate Party, United   society that also Muslim activists were
                                   transition period, Indonesia not only   Representatives (1999-2004)had all                    Development Party, Great Indonesia’s   not free from corruption. In general,
                                   experienced an economic downturn, but   given out strong signals that Islam had               Movement Party (Gerindra) and          Muslims in Indonesia who struggled
                                   also had to face problems with security,   become an integral part of Indonesian              People’s Conscious Party (Hanura). Two   through political channels in both Islamic
                                   social conflicts, a variety of socio-political   political life.                              parties were based on Islamic principle   political and nationalist parties and those
                                   disturbances, including the conflicts in   Second. The 2004 election was a                    (PKS and PPP) and two other Muslim-    who did so in Islamic mass-organizations
                                   Ambon, Poso, Aceh, and a number of      milestone in the process of democratic                based parties (PKB and PAN) entered    had always been a stabilizing force in
                                   terrorist actions.                                                                                                                   the nation existence. Their contribution
                                                                           consolidation in Indonesia. The                       into coalition with the Democratic Party   to push for democratization in Indonesia
                                   Although overshadowed by horizontal     strengthening role of civil society                   had successfully supported Susilo      had made Indonesia experience a
                                   conflicts and sectarian violence,       backed by Islamic groups marked the                   Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) to become      remarkable progress in democracy. The
                                   Muslims managed to confirm their        consolidation of Indonesian democracy.                President and Boediono as Vice         plurality of Muslims and the Indonesian
                                   identity by creating peace in Indonesia.   The horizontal conflicts that had arisen           President for the 2009-2014 period. SBY   65. Robert  W  Hefner.  “Muslim  Democrats  and
                                   The concsciousness of the Muslims       in the transition period had gradually                was elected president for the second   Islamist  Violence  in  Post-Soeharto  Indonesia,”  in
                                   either in political parties or religious   began to become settled. Interestingly,            time with the support of Islamic parties   Robert  W.  Hefner,  ed.  Remaking  Muslim  Politics:
                                   organizations and non-governmental      Islamic parties started to progress into              and the Muslim-based parties like the   Pluralism,  Contestation  and  Democratization
                                                                                                                                                                        (Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press,
                                   organizations (NGOs) greatly            open parties while moving to the center               PKS, PAN, PPP and PKB.                 2005), pp. 276-280.

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