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turned out to be its largest sources of   A more detailed explanation on the                  On some key issues regarding Islamic   period of democratic transition meant
                                   income. The MUI formed two institutions:   DPS emerged in 1999 in Government                  banking, BI sometimes decided its own   a return of radical groups and Islamic
                                   LP-POM in 1989, which grants halal      Regulation no. 30/1999. It states that a              policies, although most still depend to a   political parties’ demands for the
                                   certifications for all food products, drugs,   DPS should be independent from the             large extent on the MUI DPS that claims   implementation of the Jakarta Charter,
                                   and cosmetics that circulate in Indonesia,   bank’s management and it must have the           to the most authoritative institution to   which they consider the symbol of the
                                   and the first Islamic bank, the Bank    authority to determine whether banking                settle these issues. 57                inclusion of the Shari’a in the Indonesian
                                   Muamalat Indonesia (BMI) in 1991. It    products, services, and activities are                                                       Constitution.  The radical-fundamental
                                   started to organize the rejuvenation of   in accordance with the Shari‘a. The                 The 1995 MUI national conference       Islamic movement was represented
                                   the ulama in 1990 by offering courses   institution most apt to this task is the              shows the programs of the MUI in       by organizations such as the Islamic
                                   in Islamic law for prospective religious   MUI. Hence, a bank that offers Shari‘a             the New Order era most clearly. It     Defenders Front (Front Pembela Islam,
                                   scholars from various regions. National   products should be supervised by                    appeared that the programs of the      FPI, 1998), Laskar Jihad (LJ, 1999), the
                                   development has also consistently been   someone from the MUI who sits on its                 MUI were divided into functional and   Indonesian Mujahidin Council (Majelis
                                   one of the MUI’s core projects.         Shari’a Advisory Council. This was of                 institutional groups.  The first are the   Mujahidin Indonesia, MMI, 2000), the
                                                                                                                                 MUI’s traditional tasks as advisor of
                                   The BMI is one the MUI’s products in    course a big project and it generated                 the government and the community,      Muslims Community Forum (Front Umat
                                   banking. However, its banking-related   large funds because of the MUI people’s               strengthening Islamic brotherhood,     Islam, FUI), the Jama’ah Islamiyah (JI),
                                   activities did not halt there. Since the early   strategic positions in the banking world.    education, and the supervision of      and the Liberation Party of Indonesia
                                   1990s, one very important concentration   Before the 1990s, this had never been               Islamic propagation activities, Islamic   (Hizbut-Tahrir Indonesia, HTI) which had
                                   of the MUI was its conceptualization of the   done by this “clergy” institution.              economy, and Islamic identity. The     become more and more consolidated
                                   Shari’a Banking system and to ensure that   In the 1990s, the government recognized           second included more practical         despite having its roots in the period
                                   all banks would offer Shari‘a products. An   the development of Islamic banking by            activities such as the propagation of   before the Reform era started.
                                   institution under the MUI’s authority that   the issuance of Law no. 10/1998. Wider           participation in efforts to build society,   The strengthening of Islamic
                                   fully participated to this end is the Shari‘a   recognition came in the Reform era                                                   fundamentalism also extended to the
                                   Advisory Council (Dewan Pertimbangan    after the House approved and passed                   the establishment of Islamic financial   political arena with the founding of the
                                   Syari’ah, DPS). In 1992, the government   Law no. 21/2008 on Shari‘a Banking.                 forums including Islamic banks and     Justice Party (Partai Keadilan, PK, 1998)
                                                                                                                                 extending enrichment models and
                                   issued Law no. 7 on the banking system.   From then on, Shari‘a banks enjoyed                                                        that later became the Prosperous Justice
                                   A derivative regulation of this Law is   the same status as conventional banks                trainings for Muslim scholars.         Party (Partai Keadilan Sejahtera, PKS),
                                   Government Regulation no. 72/1992.      and all Shari‘a banking products were                 The MUI in the of Reformation Era      the Crescent Star Party (Partai Bulan
                                   Paragraph 5 states that any bank that   allowed. Nevertheless, frequent disputes                                                     Bintang, PBB), in addition to the United
                                   applies for the basic principle of profit   arose and overlap occurred between                The fall of the New Order regime in    Development Party (PPP) that tuned its
                                   sharing ---which is claimed as the basic   the Central Bank of Indonesia (Bank                1998 brought about changes in the      principles back to Islam. In addition to
                                   principle of Islamic banking to avoid the   Indonesia, BI) as the highest banking             concepts of Indonesian nationality and   supporting the implementation of Islamic
                                   forbidden usury---,is required to have or   authority and the MUI as the institution          the governmental system, including     law in Indonesia, some organizations
                                   raise a DPS. 55                         that safeguarded and “produced” DPS.                  Islamic movements and politics. The    were concerned or even directly involved

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