Page 15 - Know your genome_English
P. 15

Let us make some real DNA in the
                                                                                We will Crush the
                                    kitchen.                                                           coconut meat in
                     We need some tender coconut,                               a  mixer,  collece the    liquid and add
                                                                                some   spirit. Here comes
                                                                                                                DNA ike
                       detergent and some        spirit....                     a  thread.  We can pick this bundte

                                                                                        up with a

                                                                            Wow!DNA from                          This is  DNAN,      it  [oOKS
                                                                                    Daab!                                Gke cotton....

              Tender      coconud has
              walls  of                         bi cells.         These  cells  contain  DNA  in                 copious  amounbs.  The
                            dhese  cells  can  be
                                                             broken       easily.  Thad  is          why    it is  easier  do
                                                              frOn  dender  coconub!!                                                 make  DNA
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