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We are committed to providing custom- tion.
ers with service of the highest possible • Continually monitoring and reviewing
level of quality. In order to achieve our Quality Policy to ensure that it
this, we are continually improv- remains relevant and effective
ing processes and services, to the changing needs of our
meeting and exceeding customers.
customer satisfaction at • Providing sufficient
all times. The implemen- resources and equip-
tation of the quality pol- ment to ensure that we
icy is the responsibility can operate to the doc-
of all staff members. It is umented management
compulsory that all staff system. The management
recognise and accept our system is based on the
philosophy of quality ser- principles of ISO9001:2008,
vice delivery, accepting ac- the International Standard for
countability for their own output. Quality Management Systems.
Commitment Goals: The most important amendments:
• Fully identify and conform to the • Precise definition and determining
needs of our customers, improving obligations of “economic operators”,
customer satisfaction. “Conformity Assessment Proce-
• Monitor and review our service pro- dures” and obligations of “the Noti-
vision and processes, identifying po- fied Bodies“.
tential errors and implementing the • Oblige the Manufacturers to carry
necessary actions to eliminate them. out a risk analysis of all hazards that
• Achieving and maintaining a stan- the electrical equipment may pres-
dard of excellence in the operation ent, as well as an assessment of the
of our business. potential exposure to such hazards.
• Maintaining our reputation for hones- • Add requirements related to electro-
ty and integrity and ensuring that this magnetic compatibility of Low-Volt-
is reflected throughout the organisa- age electrical equipment.