P. 39
Riyahd, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
HQ Tel: +966 11 248 7277 Email:
+966 11 248 9339
Fax: +966 11 248 7886
Camp: +966 11 471 4542
• The characteristics of the product, equipment
including its composition, packaging, • The employees are also responsible
instructions for use or assembly and, to obey certain standards that are
where applicable, for installation and strictly defined by the HSE depart-
maintenance, according to the na- ment of the company
ture of each product; • Provide appropriate supervision,
• The effect of the product on other training and monitor conformance to
products, where it is expected to be quality standards.
used with other products;
• The presentation of the product, the • Each and every employee and other
labelling, any warnings and instruc- person should understand and ac-
tions for its use and disposal and any cept their responsibility to promote a
other indication or information re- safe and healthy workplace
garding the product; • Contractors and other group heads
• The categories of consumers at risk working on our premises have, and
when using the product, in particular follow, appropriate safety proce-
children and the elderly. dures
• Provide a safe health workplace for • Strive to operate in a manner hic
all our people and our sub-contrac- minimizes HSE risk to our customers
tors or to the public
• Make health, safety and environ- • Continually improve our HSE perfor-
ment (HSE) a part of all busi- mance by regular monitoring
ness decisions and review of lifeguard and by
• Identify, access and man- establishing goals at all levels
age HSE risks prior to within the company
commencing all • Use resources and
activities, projects energy efficiently and
and acquisition minimize waste and
• Apply standards emissions
that meet or exceed relevant • Reduce and wherev-
legislation, regulation and commu- er possible, prevent pollution from
nicate with all people, customer and our activities
community on HSE matters • Lead, train and motivate our people
• Provide information and advice on and our contractors to work in a safe
the safe and responsible use of and responsible manner