P. 9

         Riyahd, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
         HQ Tel:       +966 11 248 7277                     Email:
                       +966 11 248 9339                         
         Fax:          +966 11 248 7886                         
         Camp:         +966 11 471 4542

            Delta United holds a distinct expertise           Transceiver Stations in  Saudi  Arabia,
            in establishing voice and data networks           in and around cities as well as remotely
            by running, pulling, terminating, and             located tower sites.
            splicing cables; installing telecommu-
            nications equipment, routers, switches,           Delta United has accumulated vast
            multiplexors, cable trays and building            experience in the area of constructing
            ironwork and ladder  racks;  establishing   GSM tower sites. Delta has designed
            connections;                                      and constructed GSM tower sites all
            programming features; establishing                over Saudi Arabia, including many in the
            connections and integrations; following           most difficult locations situated in hun-
            industry standards; Verifies service by           dreds of miles in deserts and hilltops, in
            testing circuits, equipment, and alarms.          which other contractors typically refuse
                                                              to work. We have constructed new and
                                                              renovated over 400 Roof Top and green
                                                              field across the Kingdom. Our compa-
                                                              ny has trained and developed over 15
                                                              teams comprising riggers, electrical
                                                              and telecom technicians and civil works
                                                              personnel and simultaneously adopts a
                                                              high level of safety for different types of
                                                              hazards to life, health and property. Del-
                                                              ta United has shared close professional
                                                              proximity with all three Cellular services
                                                              providers in the Kingdom – STC, Mobily
                                                              and Zain.

            Delta has trained and developed 20
            teams of telecom and civil works engi-
            neers and technicians to provide TI and
            Swap activities in the areas of 3G, 4G,
            LTE      and      their related civil works.
            Up to the middle of 2013, Delta United
            has proven to be an epitome in providing
            Telecom Installation and  Swap  ser-
            vices on over 1500 tower sites and Base
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