Page 23 - Test
P. 23
Focus on a Few Large Projects at a Time
The Chair should not become overly ambitious on what a committee is expected to accomplish
at a given time. It is important that members are able to see what the committee is expected
to accomplish, as well as what has been accomplished.
It is important to keep members’ interests alive in the committee – do not let extended periods
of time go by without communicating with members, especially if members have been
assigned tasks.
Encourage members to use resources they have available to them, for example, when
appropriate, inviting colleagues’ views/comments on an issue.
Given members’ busy schedules and professional commitments, a conference call should not
exceed one hour. If additional time is required, a follow-up meeting should be scheduled in the
near future.
These tips were inspired from interviews with IPIC committee Chairs and the following books:
The Guide to Better Meetings for Directors of Non-Profit Organizations, Eli Mina, Canadian Society of Association
Executives, 2000
The Complete Handbook of Business Meetings, Eli Mina, American Management Association, 2000