Page 7 - Test
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Networks are groups of members with a common professional interest. They can be based on: issues,
practice profiles, region – any topic that meets member needs. They are less structured than
committees since they do not have an assigned Ex-Officio or have a limit in members. Networks may be
short‐term or long‐term in nature. They can address a time‐sensitive issue or an on‐going concern or

I want to create a Network, what should I do?

   designate a moderator (for a one‐year term - renewable)
   write a request supported by 10 members (template available at
   include in the request a description of the topic of the group, an anticipated timeframe

      (short‐term or on‐going) and a proposed plan of activity and/or discussions

What do Networks provide?

   the opportunity to take on leadership roles
   a space to explore areas of interest
   the opportunity to exchange thoughts, ideas or develop experience on a particular topic

What type of support does IPIC provide to Networks?

   promotion of their group to IPIC members
   logistical support
   facilitate electronic communication (e-mail distribution, LinkedIn groups or online

      discussion forums)
   funding on a project‐basis, with priority assigned to projects that advance IPIC’s objectives

What are the responsibilities of the Networks moderator?

   maintain interactivity within the group
   submit requests for project funding
   prepare brief annual report to IPIC Council

How do Networks differ from Committees?

   informal structure:
      o no Council or staff Ex-Officio
      o no restrictions in # of members or in how many members from the same firm
      o groups can be short-term or long-term in nature

   more discussion-based and less project-based

For more information on Networks, please contact Chelsea Berry, Membership Assistant, at or 613-234-0516.
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