Page 28 - Go Getter free pdf level 3
P. 28

2.3                Grammar             I can use too, not … enough and (not) as … as.

          Doctor Q                                     The shopping

            1   Dear Millie and Rob,                     2
                Please do some shopping for me.
                                      Cornelius Q
                   Here’s the list:

                   good shampoo
                   good shampoo                         Millie:    Hello, have you got good shampoo?
                   some tasty apples
                   some tasty apples                    Chemist:  Good shampoo? Nice Hair is very good and it’s on
                   some interesting books
                   some interesting books                         special offer today. It’s not as expensive as Great Hair.
                    t to od da ay y’s newspaper         Millie:      Good! How many bottles do we need?
                    today’s newspaper
                                                                  The list doesn’t say. Erm … let’s take ten bottles.
                    fresh bread d
                    f f fr re es sh h b br re ea ad
            3                                                    4


       Rob:    Tasty apples’ … The list isn’t clear enough. Which
             apples does Doctor Q like? I think these are too small.
             These are too big and these … aren’t red enough.   Millie:   ‘Interesting books’ … I think these science-fiction
       Millie:  I think they all look tasty. Let’s buy all of them.
                                                                       books are as interesting as those science books.
                                                                       I can’t choose!
         Two hours later …                                      Rob:    Let’s buy them all. Doctor Q likes reading.


       Rob:    Here’s your shopping,
              Doctor Q.
       Millie:   And here are your
       Dr Q:  Oh …
       Pi:      Doctor Q? What’s

         1  Look at picture 1. What’s            2      1.42 Read and listen. Circle T (true) or F (false).
           Doctor Q’s first name?
                                                   1  The chemist hasn’t got good shampoo.               T / F
                                                   2  Millie and Rob buy the shampoo on special offer.    T / F
                                                   3  There are different types of apples at the shop.    T / F
                                                   4  Rob doesn’t want to buy any books.                 T / F
                                                   5  Doctor Q isn’t shocked when he sees the receipts.    T / F

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