Page 33 - Go Getter free pdf level 3
P. 33
                                                          Language Revision                        2.7

        Vocabulary                                                5  Complete the sentences with one word in
                                                                     each gap.
        1  Complete the text with the words in the box.
                                                                     1   Simon is 1.65 metres tall and Luke is 1.63
                                                                       metres. Luke isn’t as tall   as    Simon.
            carry cash cashier change  list
                                                                     2   I can’t buy these jeans. They’re
            queue receipt trolley
         We go to the supermarket every week. Mum has a shopping     3   Is the water warm                ? I want to go

         1  list    with the things she wants to buy. We put our       swimming.
         shopping in the   2       and then we go and stand in       4   Jim is talented and Lee is talented too, but
          a   3         . Mum pays for the shopping in                 is Lee               talented as Jim?
          and the   5       gives her the  6                   . Mum takes   5   I don’t like this painting. The colours are
          the   7         and puts it in her bag with the change.                dark.
          Then, we             the shopping to the car and go home.
                                                                     6   The apples are cheap, but they aren’t
                                                                                 cheap as the oranges.
        2  Look at the pictures and write the words.                 7   I can’t play basketball. I’m not tall
                                                                     8   I don’t like my town. It’s      quiet for


          1  sports  shop   2  b              3  b
                                                                  6       1.52 Complete the dialogue with
                                                                     sentences a-f. Then listen and check.
                                                                     a  Can I help you?
                                                                     b  Can I try it on?
                                                                     c  Do you have it in blue?
          4  n              5  g              6  c                   d  I’m looking for a new jacket.
                                                                     e  The changing rooms are over there.
        Pronunciation                                                f   What size are you? Medium or large?

        3      1.51 Listen and repeat: /ɒ/ or /ɔː/?                   Assistant:  Good morning.    a Stuart:
                                                                      Y es, please.      I like this one,
          There are friendly shop assistants.
                                                                      but I’m not sure about the colour.
          There are baskets on the floor.
          And a lot of special offers,
                                                                     Assistant:   Yes, we do.    4
          in the new department store.
                                                                     Stuart:    Large.
                                                                     Assistant:  Here you are.
        Grammar                                                      Stuart:    5
                                                                     Assistant:  Yes, of course.   6
        4  Complete the sentences with the comparative form
                                                                     Stuart:      Thank you.
          and than or the superlative form of the adjectives.
                                                                      Check yourself!     ✔
          1   The blue skirt is  longer than  (long) this black one.
          2   Today is             (hot) day of the year. It’s 38°C!
                                                                     t  I can talk about shopping.
          3   I’m a bad cook, but my brother is           (bad) me.
                                                                     t  I can use comparative and
          4   The first and second exercises were
                                                                       superlative adjectives.
            (easy) the third and fourth ones.
                                                                     t   I can use too, not … enough
          5   I think Science is           (interesting) subject.
                                                                       and (not) as … as.
          6   Their house is            (modern) our house.
                                                                     t  I can buy clothes.
          7   Who is           (good) singer in the world?

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