Page 34 - Go Getter free pdf level 3
P. 34

1&2                Skills Revision                                  

         Reading and Writing                                           4  Exam Spot   Complete Mark’s blog
                                                                         post with one word in each gap.
         1  Is shopping one of your chores? What other chores do
           you do at home? Tell a partner.

         2   Exam Spot   Read the text. Circle the correct answer               Mark’s   blog
           a, b or c.
                                                                         Mum    is    visiting an old school friend
            TE TEE
            TEENEEN SHOPPINGING                                          in France this week, so my sister, Dad
                                                                                    I have more chores. I always
            Here are the results of our class                            3          the table before dinner,  but
            survey about shopping. Find out                              this week I also need to clear it after the
            what the girls and boys said!                                meals and   4
            First of all, we discovered that most                        the dishwasher when
            girls love shopping   1    clothes.                          the dishes are clean.
            A lot of boys enjoy shopping for clothes too,   2    they say   What’s more, I have
            they are too busy to stand in queues. So, what   3    boys   to iron my clothes.
            like buying? A lot of boys say that sports shops are the   4      I’m really busy,
                                                                         but my chores are
            interesting. They agree small sports shops are sometimes   5       better   than     my
            expensive, but some of them say that the shop assistants are   sister’s. Right now, she
            usually friendlier   6    they are in big shops. Both girls and boys   is hanging  6
            love   7     the latest technology. They think big shops are   8       the washing.
            than smaller shops because they are often cheaper.           I hate that chore!
            Finally, all students from our class love helping their parents buy
            things online. They agree it isn’t
                                             expensive as shopping in
            a traditional shop and it’s more fun!
             1  a  the           b  to            c  for
             2  a  so            b  as            c  but               5  Exam Spot         1.53 Listen and
             3  a  do            b  does          c  are                 complete the sentences.
             4  a  very          b  worse         c  most
                                                                            THE SANDWICH
             5  a  much          b  enough        c  too

             6  a  that          b  than          c  and
              7  a  buying       b  buys          c  buy
              8  a  best         b  better        c  good
              9  a  as           b  enough        c  very
                                                                         1  The new café is  modern .
        3   Exam Spot   Write 60–80 words about your shopping            2   The Sandwich Café doesn’t have
          habits. Use these questions to help you.                         a           .
                                                                         3   Right now, students from Class
          1  How often to do go shopping?
                                                                           are making sandwiches.
          2  Where do you go?
                                                                         4   The chefs from the school           do the
          3  Who do you go with?
          4  What do you like buying?
                                                                         5   Laura thinks making sandwiches is the
          5  What’s your favourite shop? Why?
                                                                           most            job.
          I often go shopping (at the weekend …)                         6   The opening hours are from
          I usually go to (town / the shopping centre …)                               p.m. to 5.30 p.m.
          I go with … / I love buying …
          My favourite shop is … because …

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