Page 81 - Go Getter free pdf level 3
P. 81
                                                          Language Revision                        6.7

        Vocabulary                                                  Grammar

        1  Write cooking verbs and nouns.                           5  Complete the text with the Present Perfect
                                                                      form of the verbs in brackets.
          1  P_ _ _  the potatoes. Then  b_ _ _  them for
            15 minutes in hot water.
          2   B_ _ _  the cake in a small cake  t_ _  for 25 minutes.  July 1st
          3   S_ _ _ _  the bread and make ten pieces of toast.      Phew! I’m tired! We  have done  (do) a lot this
                                                                     evening, but now it’s nearly time for bed. Our guests
          4   Roast the chicken and potatoes in a hot  o_ _ _ .
                                                                     2            (go) home. They  3
          5   C_ _ _  the tomatoes into small pieces.
                                                                     (not eat) all the food, so we don’t have to cook
          6   Fry the eggs in a large  f_ _ _ _ _  p_ _ .
                                                                     tomorrow! Dave  4          (wash) the dirty
          7   M_ _  the butter and sugar together.
                                                                     dishes and I  5         (put) them away. Dad
          8   B_ _ _  the eggs. Then  a_ _  flour and milk.
                                                                     6            (not clean) the barbecue and we
                                                                     7            (not tidy) the living room. That can wait.
        2  Label the objects with the words in the box.

            bowl cup fork glass knife mug
                                                                    6  In your notebook, write questions and answers.
            plate  pot  spoon
                                                                      1  Judy / finish her homework?

          1     pot                                                    Has Judy finished her homework?
          2                                             2               Yes, she has.
          3                                                           2  you / ever / roast a chicken?
          4                                    5                        Have you ever roasted a chicken?
          5                  3                                            No, I haven't. I have never roasted a chicken.
                                                                      3  Eddie / ever / play chess?
          6                            4
          7                                                           4  the children / have dinner?
          8                                                           5  you / ever / make pancakes?
          9                                           9               6  Ann / set the table?
        3  Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
                                                                    7      3.20 Put the dialogue in the correct order.
            delicious disgusting  salty  sour spicy sweet             Then listen and check.
                                                                           I’d like some orange juice, please.
          1  I don’t like these crisps. They’re too  salty .
                                                                       1    Wow! I’m thirsty!
          2  Yummy! This fruit salad is         .
                                                                            What programme would you like to watch?
          3  I can’t eat lemons. They’re too         .                     Would you like orange juice or cola?
          4  I love           things like honey and sugar.                 I don’t mind. You choose.
          5  I don’t want meat with chilli. I don’t like       food.        I’d prefer to watch TV. It’s too hot to go
          6  Yuk! The sandwich is         and I can’t eat it.             outside.

                                                                            Here you are. Now, would you like to watch
        Pronunciation                                                     TV or play football?

        4      3.19 Listen and
          repeat: /u:/.                                                Check yourself!
          What’s my name?                                             t  I can talk about cooking food.
          My name is Lucy.
                                                                      t  I can use the Present Perfect.
          That’s my food.
                                                                      t  I can talk about preferences.
          It’s fruit – it’s juicy!

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