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P. 85


        2      3.22 Listen and repeat. What types of       6   Exam Spot   Read more about Beth's home. Circle
          houses can you see on page 82?                     the correct answer a, b or c.

          Vocabulary  Places to live                           My home
                                                               by Beth Barber
          Types of houses
          block of flats / flat  cottage  detached house         I live in a big   1    of flats in the
          semi-detached house  terraced house                  city. My flat is on the tenth   2   ,
          Locations                                            so I always use the   3    to go up.
          in a city  in the country  in a town                 I never walk up the   4    ! I don’t have a garden, but
          in a village  on an island                           I can sit on the   5    outside my bedroom when the
                                                               weather is good. From there, I can see Oliver’s house.
                                                               He’s my best friend. He lives in a   6    house. All the
        3      3.23 Read Alice’s project on page 82            houses in his street look the same, but Oliver’s has
          and complete the texts with the types of             a blue door. I don’t mind living in a flat, but one day,
          houses. Then listen and check.                                             7
                                                               I’d like to live in a small      on a beautiful island.
        4  Label the pictures with the locations.
                                                             1  a  block        b  attic        c  basement
            1                      2                         2  a  floor         b  lift         c  ground
                                                             3  a  stairs       b  basement     c  lift
                                                             4  a  attic        b  lift         c  stairs
                                                             5  a  ground       b  balcony      c  basement
            3                      4                         6  a  terraced     b  cottage      c  city
                                                                   c  terraced
                                                                                b  cottage
                                                             7  a  block
                                                           7      3.25 Listen to an interview with Jack and Lily.
                                                             Complete the factfiles about their homes.

                                                                                    Jack              Lily
                                                               Place         1  in the country   4

          1 – in a village                                     Type of house  2                  5
                                                               Garden        yes, big            6
        5      3.24 Listen and repeat. Look at the
          houses on page 82 and answer the questions.          Bedroom       in the   3          upstairs

          Vocabulary  Parts of the house

                                                                                                 I remember
          attic balcony basement lift stairs                  8  Complete the sentences so          that!
          ground/first/top floor                                  they are true for you. Compare
                                                                in pairs.

          1  Which building has a balcony?                      I live in/on … (location)
           the block of flats
                                                                My home is a … (type of house)
          2  Which buildings have an attic?
                                                                It has …, but it doesn’t have … (parts of a house)
          3   How many floors can you see in the block
            of flats?                                         9  Now imagine you have moved to a new
                                                                home. Complete the sentences in
          4  Can you see a basement?
                                                                Exercise 8 again.
          5  Which building has a lift?
          6  Which buildings have stairs?

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