Page 88 - Go Getter free pdf level 3
P. 88

7.3                 Grammar             I can use must, mustn’t and can.

         Doctor Q                                   House rules

            1                                                                      2

       Dr Q:   I must leave immediately! I’m meeting Doctor Spark at
             eleven o’clock! I mustn’t be late. Where’s my umbrella?           Pi:      I know! Every time we put things
       Rob:   Here you are. It was in the cupboard under the sink.                   back in the right place, we get
       Dr Q:   Who put it there? Oh, look at the time! … Remember,                   one of these fun stickers!
             we must put things back in the right place.                       Dr Q:   Good idea!

          Later that day …


       Dr Q:    You mustn’t leave your books here,
              Rob! Put them in the bookcase!                                Dr Q:    Millie, you can use my desk, but you
       Rob:    Ok, but these are your books, Doctor Q.                             mustn’t make a mess! Here! You can
                                                                                   keep your things in this drawer.
                                                                            Millie:   Ok, but these aren’t my things,
          The next day …                                                           Doctor Q, they are yours!


                                                                  Pi:      Well done, Rob. You can have one more sticker!
                                                                  Rob:    I’ve got six now!
                                                                  Millie:   I’ve got seven!
                                                                  Dr Q:   Oh, dear! I haven’t got any stickers.
                                                                  Pi:      You must try harder, Doctor Q!

         1  I know that!  Which pieces of               3  Read again. Complete the sentences.
           furniture can you see in the cartoon?
                                                         1  Doctor Q is looking for his  umbrella .
                                                          2                found it in the kitchen.
             armchair bath bed chair desk
                                                          3   Everyone gets a              when they put things away.
             fridge sofa table wardrobe
                                                          4  The   books      in the armchair   aren’t Rob’s.
         2      3.29 Read and listen. Who is the          5  Millie can use Doctor Q’s             and drawer.
           messiest person in Doctor Q’s house?           6  In the end,              hasn’t got any stickers.
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