Page 93 - Go Getter free pdf level 3
P. 93
                                                          Language Revision                         7.7

        Vocabulary                                         Grammar

        1  Complete the texts with the words in the box.   5  Complete the email with the Present Continuous
                                                             form of the verbs in brackets.
            attic balcony cottage country
            block floor lift  terraced
                                                            Hi Gemma,
                            This home is a   terraced       You asked about our plans for the weekend. Well,
                            house in Green Street. It has   I   ’m meeting  (meet) Alfie and we   2    (play)
                            two bedrooms on the first        chess together tomorrow afternoon. We   3
                                        and two more        (not have) dinner at home tomorrow evening. We
                            bedrooms in the   3      .      4
                                                                         (go) to that new Italian restaurant in Long
                                                            Street. Dad   5       (not work) this weekend.
                            Come and see this home          He and Mum             (visit) Granny on Sunday.
                            in a   4        of flats.        What about you? What   7         (you / do) tomorrow

                            There is a fantastic view from
                                                            and on Sunday?
                            the  5        . The building    Tom
                            has a   6       .

                            If you like living in the      6  Complete the sentences with must, mustn’t or can.
                                       , you must come       1   You  must  feed the animals now. They’re hungry.
                            and see this beautiful           2   Yes, you          use my phone. No problem.
                                                             3   You          make a noise! The baby is sleeping.
                                                             4   You          forget to water the plants.
        2  Complete the sentences with things in the          5   You         tidy the kitchen. It’s very messy!
          house.                                             6   Are you feeling cold? You        close the
                                                               window. I don’t mind.
          1   Don’t waste water. Turn off the  tap !
          2   Put the jam away in the  c@@@@@@@@@@@@@@.    Communication
          3   Do you want to brush your hair? There’s
            a m                    in the hall.            7      3.39 Complete the dialogues with the words in
                                                             the box. Then listen and check.
          4   The  s       is full of dirty plates.
          5   Please put these books back in the                Can  free want love maybe sounds
            b                   .
          6  My socks are in the third  d         .          1  A:   Dad’s taking me to the zoo this weekend.

                                                                  1   Can   you come?
        3  Circle the correct answer.
                                                               B:  I’m sorry, I can’t,   2      next time.
          1   We must clean down / up  the mess.             2  A:   Do you  3        to hang out this afternoon?
          2   Wake up / on ! It’s 7.30!
                                                               B:   I’d   4       to, but I’m visiting my cousins.
          3   We want to find up / out some information                    5
                                                             3  A:   Are you           next Sunday? Would you
            about these flowers.                                   like to come to my house for a barbecue?
          4   What are you looking out / for?                          6
                                                             B:  That               fun. Thank you.
          5   Let’s go and check out / up the new pet shop.
                                                              Check yourself!
                                                             t  I can talk about the place where I live.
        4      3.38 Listen and repeat.
                                                             t  I can use the Present Continuous for
          Can you hear an ‘s’ in ‘island’?
                                                               future arrangements.
          Can you hear a ‘k’ in ‘know’?
                                                             t  I can use must, mustn’t and can.
          Can you hear a ‘p’ in ‘cupboard’?
                                                             t  I can make, accept and decline invitations.
          No, I can’t, no!
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