Page 98 - Go Getter free pdf level 3
P. 98

8.2                Grammar              I can use will for predictions.

          I’ll present a TV show

       Poppy is making a video for a class project.                         2


                                                                  Poppy:   Will you go to the Amazon rain forest too?
                                                                           Can I come? It’s one of my dreams!
                                                                  Emma:  Yes, I will. It’ll be fantastic to go there together!
        Poppy:   So Emma, what do you want to do in the future?
                                                                  George:   Emma won’t go to the rain forest. She hates
        Emma:   Well, I love travelling and I’d like to work on TV, so
                                                                           spiders and the rain forest is full of them!
                 maybe I’ll present a TV travel show! I’ll travel all
                 around the world!
                                                                  Emma: Oh …

                                                                          Poppy:    What will you do, Harry? Will you play
      George:  My turn now. One day, I’ll have my own flat. You’ll ask,            tennis professionally?
               ‘Why is this so important?’ Because I won’t share a room   Harry:     It’s hard to decide. I love sports, but
                                                                                                     octor like Dad.
               with my brother anymore – he snores like a hippo!                   I’d also like to be a d
      Harry:   You’re so funny!                                           Poppy:  Hmm … Here’s a thought.

         1      41      3.46 Watch or listen and read. Who        3      3.47 Listen and repeat.
            wants to live on his/her own in the future?             Find the expressions in the story.
                                                                                                      Say it!

         2  Read the story. Circle T (true) or F (false).
                                                                                   My turn now.
            1  Emma would like to do two things.         T / F
                                                                       It’s hard to decide.  Here’s a thought.
            2  Poppy wouldn’t like to visit the Amazon
           rain forest.                                  T / F
            3  There aren’t any spiders in the rain forest.   T / F  4     Guess!    What is Poppy’s suggestion?
            4  George doesn’t like sleeping in the same               Compare your ideas in pairs.
            room as Harry.                               T / F
                                                                    5     42       3.48 Now watch or listen and
            5  Harry doesn’t want to be a doctor.        T / F

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