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P. 94

    Culture!                                Food to try in the UK           

                                                    B  Scottish shortbread


                                                                                 C  Yorkshire pudding
                   A  Welsh rarebit
                                                                                 F  Brighton rock
                                                        E  Stilton cheese

                        D  Stargazy pie
                                        Wales   Midlands              This very tasty snack comes from Wales. It’s also

          Very British food          Cornwall      Brighton          all! Welsh rarebit is very easy to make at home.
                                                                      called ‘Welsh rabbit’, but it has no rabbit in it at

            1                                                        and flour, put it on top of toasted bread and then
                                                                     You make a mixture with cheese, butter, mustard
            It’s a type of sweet. It is   2                          under a hot grill. There are recipes for Scottish
            made with sugar , it comes                               and English rarebit too!
             in many flavours and      People first made it in Scotland, about
             colours and it usually has   900 years ago! The recipe we use now    4 E
                                                                                                  und the world
             words written inside it.  is very simple: all you need is flour, butter   It has a strong smell and salty taste,  but
              It is very popular in   and sugar. In the old times, shortbread          lot of fans aro       .
                                                                             eople usually eat it with crackers after
              seaside holiday places,   was very expensive and most people only   P it also has a   in the photo
              like Brighton. Look    had it on special days, like the first day of   a good dinner . The cheese   is
              carefully at the photo
                                     the New Year. Now you can buy it almost
             – can you read the words   everywhere in the world.             called Blue Stilton. They make it in the East
                                                                              Midlands. Here’s a fun fact: it takes ten litres
             inside the stick?                                                of milk to make just one kilo of cheese!

         1  Look at the photos. What types of food can you see?            5      3.41 Listen to two people from
                                                                             different parts of the UK. Circle the
         2  Read texts 1–4 quickly. Match the names A–F to the texts.        correct answers.
           There are two extra names.
                                                                             1   Gavin is from the southeast /
         3      3.40 Listen and read about the four British products.          southwest of England.
           Check your answers to Exercise 2.                                 2   You need / don’t need milk to make
                                                                               Yorkshire pudding.
         4  Read the texts again. Circle T (true) or F (false).
                                                                             3   Gavin likes eating Yorkshire
           1   Rock has got sugar in it.                          T / F        pudding with eggs / roast beef.
           2   The only place where you can find rock is Brighton.   T / F    4   Morwenna is talking about
           3   Scottish shortbread has got eggs in it.            T / F        a Scottish / Cornish dish.
           4   You can eat shortbread only in Scotland.           T / F      5   Stargazy pie has beef / fish in it.
           5   Welsh rarebit is very difficult to make.           T / F      6   Morwenna says a lot of people
                                                                               like / don’t like stargazy pie.
           6   There’s no meat in Welsh rarebit.                  T / F
           7   Stilton cheese is salty.                           T / F    6  Which of the two dishes in Exercise 5
           8   People usually eat Stilton before their dinner.    T / F      would you like to try? Why?

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