Page 97 - Go Getter free pdf level 3
P. 97


        2  Read about Ricky on page 94 and look at the pictures.    7  Complete the phrases with the correct verb
          How old is Ricky in each picture? Find the answers         from the Vocabulary box.

          in his comments.
                                                                                a teacher
                                                                     a pilot
        3      3.42 Listen and repeat.
                                                                                                    in the UK
                                                                                          in a big city
                                                                            1   be
          Vocabulary  Life ambitions
          be     a doctor / famous / rich                                                       2
          have   a family / an interesting job / my own business
          learn   a foreign language / to drive                                                near my family
          live    abroad / on my own
                                                                           a house with a garden

        4      3.43 Read Ricky’s comments on page 94 and             good health
          circle the correct answer. Then listen and check.
                                                                                                       to fly
                                                                            3               Chinese
        5      3.44 Look at the pictures of Ricky’s
          sister, Kate. Complete the text.
                                                                                 fun            4
          Use the Vocabulary box to help you.
          Then listen and check.
                                                                                             to play the drums
                          That’s my sister, Kate.
                  She’s an actor and she’s   famous . She         8   Exam Spot     Complete Olivia’s blog post
              doesn’t live in the UK. She lives   2     ,            with one word in each gap.
            so I don’t see her often. Kate has a great   3    .
              Her husband, Wally, is American. He has his own
                         . They’re very         . They even
              4                      5                               My ambitions
                          have their own plane!                      by Olivia Reeves

                                                                     My greatest dream
                                                                     is to travel, so I want to
                                                                     1 learn  two or three foreign
                                                                     I don’t want to be   2    – money isn’t
                                                                     important to me – but I want to   3
                                                                     happy. I’d also like to   4      in a big city,
                                                                     perhaps in New York. I’d like to meet new
                                                                     people and   5         fun. Another ambition
                                                                      of mine is to learn        fly. I’d love to
                                                                                 a pilot!
        6      3.45 Listen and match people 1–3 to their
          ambitions when they were younger a–e. Then
                                                                                                    I remember
          make sentences.                                            9    Complete the sentences.
          1  Jake             a  be famous                             Then talk about your
          2  Sally            b  learn foreign languages               ambitions in pairs. Do you
                                                                       have similar or different
          3  Elsa             c  have a family
                              d  live on his/her own
                                                                       I want to be …        I want to have …
                              e  live abroad
                                                                       I want to learn …     I want to live …
          Jake wanted to have a family and …
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