Page 101 - Go Getter free pdf level 3
P. 101


          Grammar  Questions and question words                         44 Get Grammar!

           Present Simple      How often do you exercise?                      When are you
                                                                             going to open it?
           Present Continuous  Why are you asking?
           Past Simple         Who did Doctor Q invite?

           Past Continuous     What was Doctor Q doing at 5 a.m.?
           will                When will Doctor Q rest?

           be going to         How long is Mrs Q going to stay?

       4  In your notebook, write questions about the
          cartoon. Then answer them.                             L     K!

          Picture 1                                              Who did Doctor Q invite?  Doctor Q invited Mrs Q.
          1   Doctor Q   doing   What   at eleven o’clock        Who invited Mrs Q?     Doctor Q invited Mrs Q.
             was   ?
          What was Doctor Q doing at eleven o’clock?           6  Write questions about the sentences in Exercise 5.
          He was talking to his mother.                          Begin each question with Who. Can you answer
                                                                 the questions with your book closed?
          2    Mrs Q   at Doctor Q’s house   What   time   arrive
             will   ?                                            Who called Doctor Q? – Mrs Q.
          Picture 2                                              Who invited …
          3   is   Mrs Q   Why   stay   going to   with Doctor Q   ?
                                                               7      3.51 Write questions about the words
          Picture 4
                                                                 in bold. Listen and circle the correct answer.
         4   are   having   Doctor Q and Mrs Q   Where   lunch   ?
                                                                 1  Mrs Q / Doctor Q is playing the drums.
          Picture 5
                                                                   Who is playing the drums?
          5   Mrs Q   does   What   to do   want   ?
                                                                 2   Millie was making breakfast / dancing at 8 a.m.
         Picture 6
                                                                 3   Doctor Q is going to visit Doctor Spark
          6   Doctor Q   How many   hours   did   sleep   ?        next week / tomorrow.
                                                                 4  Mrs Q calls her son every week / every day.
       5       3.50 Listen and repeat. Complete the
                                                                 5   Mrs Q and Pi will travel to Africa /
          sentences about the cartoon with the correct
                                                                   to the Arctic one day.

          Vocabulary  Being with people                                                        Fun

          call   give someone a hug  invite  kiss
          shake hands  visit

                                                                    8  Work in pairs. Ask your partner three
          1      Mrs Q      called Doctor Q.                          questions about his/her life with different
          2            invited Mrs Q.                                 question words in different tenses. Answer
          3            visited Doctor Q and his friends.              your partner’s questions. Try to think of
          4            kissed Mrs Q.                                  the funniest answers you can.
          5            and          wanted to shake hands             A:  Who woke you up today?
            with Mrs Q.                                               B:  The Queen woke me up today.
          6            gave Millie, Rob and Pi a hug.                 A:  Where will you live in fifteen years?
                                                                      B:  I will live …

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