Page 105 - Go Getter free pdf level 3
P. 105
                                                          Language Revision                        8.7

        Vocabulary                                            Grammar

        1  Complete the sentences with the words in the       5  Complete the sentences with the correct form of
          box. There are two extra words.                       will and the verbs in brackets.
                                                                1   I don’t think I  will pass  (pass) all my exams.
            abroad  be  do famous have                             My parents                (not be) happy.
            family learn own                                    2   When she’s older, she              (buy)
                                                                   a cottage and she                (move) to the
                 I’d love to        be       an actor and be       country.
                 2         , but I’m not talented enough.       3   What job               (you / do) when you
                                                                   finish school?               (you / be) famous?
                 I’m going to   3       to drive when
                                                              6  In your notebook, write the questions. Use the
                 I’m older. I want to   4     my
                 own business one day.                          correct question word.
                                                                1 A:  you / do / this summer?
                 I want to live   5     , but I don’t           B:  We’re going to stay with my grandparents.
                 want to live there on my   6     .               What are you going to do this summer?
                                                                2  A:  visit / you / yesterday?
        2  Circle the correct answer. Ask and answer the        B:  Aunt Suzan visited us yesterday.
          questions in pairs.                                   3  A:  she / move / to a new neighbourhood?
                                                                B:  She’s moving there next week.
            How are you with people?                            4 A:  they / do / yesterday at four o’clock?
                                                                B:  They were watching a football match.
            1  When you visit / stay someone, do you take a gift?
            2    You can’t accept an invitation. Do you speak / call   5  A:  your best friend / live?
              the person and explain why you can’t come?
                                                                B:  She lives next door.
            3    When you meet someone, do you smile and
              shake / give hands?
            4    Did you visit / invite more than three people to your
              last birthday party?
                                                              7      3.61 Complete the dialogues with the
                                                                words in the box. Then listen and check.
            5    A member of your family is upset. Do you make / give
              them a hug and tell them you love them?
                                                                  disagree  I agree   I don’t  That’s true  wrong
            6    When you go to bed, do you kiss / make your
              mum good night?
                                                                1  A:   The book was interesting.
        3  Complete the words.                                   B:   I agree  with you. I liked it too.
                                                at e
          1   The film starts at seven, so don’t be  l_ _ _ .    2  A: The city is better than the country.
          2   Please stand in the queue and wait your  t_ _ _ .    B:               think so. I prefer the country.
          3   I hope Dan will arrive at the cinema on  t_ _ _ .   3  A: Paris is bigger than Tokyo.
            He’s got our tickets.                                B: You’re             . Tokyo is much bigger!
          4   Parents are talking. Don’t  i@  @  @  @  @  @  @  @    4  A: My sister is a better singer than me.

          Uhem.                                                    B:              , but you’re better at sport.
          5   I’d like to use Dad’s computer, but I have to     5  A: Most people want to be famous.
            ask him fPS p @ @ @ @  @ @ @ @  @                    B: I               . I think they want to be happy.
           6    Be   p_ _ _ _ _  and say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’.
        Pronunciation                                            Check yourself!

        4      3.60 Listen and repeat:                          t  I can talk about life ambitions.
          /z/ or /s/.                                           t  I can use will for predictions.

          Zoe and Zinia went to the zoo.                        t  I can ask and answer questions.
          They saw some snakes and spiders too.                 t  I can express agreement and disagreement.

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