Page 102 - Go Getter free pdf level 3
P. 102

8.4                Communication  and disagreement.                 
                                                           I can express agreement

          I don’t think so

      Mum:       George, can you turn that
               down, please?
      George:    Why? This music is awesome!
      Mum:       I disagree. It’s giving me
               a headache.
      George:  Dad likes it!
      Dad:       That’s true. I think the electric
               guitar is the most exciting
               musical instrument.
       George:    That’s what I think too!
               Why don’t we buy one?
       Dad:       I don’t think so, George.
                Electric guitars cost a lot of
       Mum:       How about a second-hand
                one? It won’t be too
       George:    Yes, you’re right. But I thought
                you didn’t like electric guitars.  3    3.54 Complete the dialogues with the words in the box.
       Mum:       You’re wrong. I just didn’t like   Then listen and check.
                the music they were playing
                on the radio.
                                                     don’t     right     so      terrible      true     wrong
                                                   1  A:  This film is   terrible !
                                                      B:  You’re    2   right   . Let’s watch something else.
         1     45       3.52 Watch or listen       2 A:  Everybody likes going to the beach.
           and read. Answer the questions.                         3
                                                   B:  That’s not   true     . I don’t like it. It’s too hot.
           1  Does Mr Nichols like the music       3 A:  Ankara is the biggest city in Turkey.
              on the radio?                           B:  You’re   wrong   . Istanbul is much bigger.
           2  What does George want to buy?
                                                   4 A:  English is a very easy language.
                                                   B:  I   5          think   6      . I think it’s difficult.
         2       3.53 Listen and repeat.

                                                 4  Exam Spot         3.55 It’s Mum’s birthday. What is each
           Communication                           person going to buy her? Listen and match people 1–4 to
           Agreeing and disagreeing                presents A–F. There are two extra presents.

           Agreeing                                1   F   Ivy  2      Dad  3      Grandad  4      Steve
           I agree (with you).
           You’re right.                               A             B                C              D
           That’s true. / That’s right.
           That’s what I think too.
           I disagree (with you).
                                                                 E                                  F
           I don’t agree (with you).
           You’re wrong.
           That’s not true. / That isn’t right.
           I don’t think so.
                                                 5  Go to page 112. Compare your opinions in pairs.

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