Page 4 - Vision and Purpose
P. 4

Section 1:
Reviewing the vision and purpose statements and recommendations for the future.
Coastal Partners has evolved from a small organisation comprising of twelve staff to now over 6, who retain similar attitudes, culture, and commitment to the organisation’s services. It has a successful reputation for delivering projects, advising and guiding on wide ranging issues related to the Solent coastline and working with local authority partners.
The teams have grown in number and expertise and are already moving into the next phase of capitalising on their expertise and growing demand through portfolio marketing. The infrastructure and processes that were fit for purpose for the small organisation must now address today’s organisational demands in addition to any planned developments and growth.
2021 could be viewed as a new gateway to the future - building on our success to initially target Coastal Partners services at local authorities, but has the potential to extend its reach, regionally and by service delivery, particularly where there are already enquiries received relating to some of the speciality activities.
It is an evolution rather than revolution; capitalising on experience gained over its fast growth to date. It is acknowledged that future growth will need to be managed and planned carefully and sensitively and can capture many different subjects.
The wider context for coastal management is similarly evolving; in response to climate changes and the pressing need to rethink how to deal with flood related issues on land and coast.
The Environment Agency have suggested a three-pronged approach with the launch of the new draft FCERM Strategy (2019) with the central themes of
• Climate resilient places
• Today’s growth and infrastructure- resilient in tomorrow’s climate
• A nation ready to respond and adapt to flooding and coastal
This exactly reflects how Coastal Partners operates and is a timely prompt to promote our range of expertise in these areas.
The proposals below reflect discussions and feedback from all staff. These re-emphasise the core business of Coastal Partners and raises interesting challenges to recognise overarching themes; (these are addressed later in the document relating to interpreting the developments for marketing purposes.)
They also demonstrate the emotional attachments, commitment, motivation and enthusiasm staff have for their work.
Staff are passionate about both the organisation, the region and
its coastlines, combined with the environmental benefits that they can deliver.
Defining the Vision statement
Using a revised vision and business plan is intended to make clear our purpose and direction to all our stakeholders, to satisfy the partners and processes we are subject to for scrutiny and funding.
It should be concise enough to be remembered by our staff and utilised when dealing with all external audiences to build our brand profile.
Vision and Mission statements can be used interchangeably, but for Coastal Partners, a short, clear vision statement will be used in all promotional contexts, business documents etc. and the more detailed Mission will be used to identify key activities.
Coastal Partners Business Strategy

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