Page 44 - pet225ebook_Neat
P. 44
In both regular and irregular verbs, it is important to remember
that the simple present tense changes in the third person
singular. This means that he, she and it forms of the verb are
different. With regular verbs, the most common way that the third
person singular changes is by adding –s. Let’s look at an
example using the regular verb sing:
Person Verb
First person singular I sing
Second person singular You sing
Third person singular He / she / it sings
First person plural We sing
Second person plural You sing
Third person plural They sing
Notice how the only one that is different is the third person
singular. This pattern is the same for many regular verbs.
Here are more examples of third person singular:
Verb Third Person Singular
like likes
look looks
stop stops
talk talks
help helps