Page 59 - pet225ebook_Neat
P. 59

1.1 Present Continuous Tense.

               The present continuous tense form of the verb is normally

               written by adding -ing to the base form. However, there are

               some words that acquire additional changes in spelling when
               the base form is changed to the -ing or present participle


                   Base verb               -ing form          Spelling rules            Examples
                                                              For words that  A school of

               Place                   Placing                end with the           fish are
                                                              vowel -e, drop  placing their
               Move                    Moving                 the -e and             eggs on kelps’

                                                              add -ing               leaves to let
                                                                                     the eggs
                                                                                     hatched on
                                                                                     their own.

                                                                                     A bale of turtle
       Do you know that,
                                                                                     is moving in
      Dogs are not a sea
      turtle's best friend.                                                          an orderly

                                                              For words that  The town
               Plan                    Planning               end with a             council is
                                                              vowel and a            planning to

               Refer                   Referring              consonant,             build a new
                                                              double the             lighthouse in
               Sit                     Sitting                consonant              the island.
                                                              and add -ing.

               Drop                    Dropping                                      The divers are
                                                              *exception; do  sitting in the
                                                              not double w,          boat while

                                                              x, and y.              listening to the

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