Page 10 - RPT BI YEAR 2 2020
P. 10


           UNIT/WEEK/               LISTENING                   SPEAKING                  READING                 WRITING              LANGUAGE ARTS
                            1.2.2                       2.1.1                      3.2.2                   4.2.5                   5.3.1
                            Understand with support     Give very basic personal   Understand specific     Connect words and proper   Respond imaginatively and
                            specific information and details   information using fixed   information and details of   names using ‘and’    intelligibly through creating
             WEEK 37        of very simple phrases and   phrases                   very simple phrases and                         simple art and craft
                            sentences                                              sentences               4.3.2                   products
             WEEK 38                                    2.1.2                                              Spell familiar high
                            1.2.5                       Find out about very basic   3.2.3                  frequency words accurately
                            Understand short supported   personal information using   i) Use visuals on the page
             WEEK 39        questions                   fixed phrases              to help understand a word
                                                                                   or phrase
         Revision of all                                2.1.5                      ii) Identify and remember
                                                                                   high frequency sound and
                                                        Name or describe objects
          Year 2 topics                                 using suitable words from word  letter patterns
              Theme                                                                3.3.1
        Revision of Year 2                              2.3.1                      Read and enjoy simple
        themes: World of                                Introduce self to an audience   print and digital games at
                                                                                   word level
                                                        using fixed phrases
        Self, Family and
        Friends, World of
        Stories, World of

             WEEK 40                                         RUMUSAN PENTAKSIRAN BILIK DARJAH

           WEEK 41-43                                                     PENGURUSAN AKHIR TAHUN

                                                                        CUTI DEEPAVALI
                                         (KUMPULAN A: 14- 16 NOVEMBER 2020, KUMPULAN B: 13-16 NOVEMBER 2020)

                                                                     CUTI AKHIR TAHUN
     9                           (KUMPULAN A: 20.11.2020 – 31.12.2020, KUMPULAN B: 22.11.2020 – 31.12.2020)
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