Page 13 - RPT BI YEAR 4 2020
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CEFR ENGLISH YEAR 4                                                                                                YEARLY SCHEME OF WORK 2020

              WEEK      LESSONS / FOCUS SKILL    SKILLS     CONTENT   LEARNING           LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR FOCUS                      CCE             REMARKS
                                                           STANDARD   STANDARD
                        155 - Listening 30    M   Listening   1.2       1.2.2    modal verb: should/shouldn’t              Values                   Textbook
                                               C   Speaking   2.1       2.1.1
                        156 - Speaking 30     M   Speaking    2.2       2.2.2    Yes/no questions with modal verb: e.g. Should I…? /   Language     Textbook
                                               C   Listening   1.2      1.2.4    Yes, you should.
                        157 - Reading 30      M    Reading    3.2       3.2.2    Review of language from Unit 10 and/or learning in the   Science and Technology   Textbook
                        Theme: World of Knowledge   C   Reading   3.2   3.2.3    year.
                        158 - Writing 30      M    Writing    4.3       4.3.3    modal verb: should/shouldn’t              Values / Creativity and   Textbook
                37                             C   Speaking   2.2       2.2.2                                              Innovation
                        159 - Language Arts 30   M   L/Arts   5.3       5.3.1    Pronunciation and Intonation              Creativity and Innovation   Non-Textbook
                        Theme: World of Stories   C   Reading   3.3     3.3.1                                                                       Graphic Novel
                        Topic - The Jungle Book
                        160 - Project-Based   M                                  Teacher to select                         Teacher to select        Non-Textbook
                        Learning 2             C
                        Theme: Teacher to select
                        Revision : Focus on UPSR’s Format
                        1.  Grammar Enrichment
                        2.  Social Expressions
                        3.  Comprehension
                        Revision : Focus on UPSR’s Format
                38      1.  Information Transfer
                        2.  Formatted writing
                        3.  Essay Writing
                39      Revision : Focus on UPSR’s Format

                40      Correction of exam’s papers
              29 Oct                                                   PUBLIC HOLIDAY - MAULIDUR RASUL (THURSDAY)
                41      1.  School management
                        2.  Vocabulary enhancement
                42      1.  School management

              14 Nov                                                             DEEPAVALI (SATURDAY)
            15 - 16 Nov                                                            FESTIVAL’S BREAK
                43      1.  School management

             21 Nov -                                                          YEAR END SCHOOL HOLIDAYS
              31 Dec
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