Page 2 - RPT BI YEAR 5 2020
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                                      YEARLY SCHEME OF WORK KSSR YEAR 5 2020

          WEEK/ UNIT/
                           LISTENING AND SPEAKING            READING                   WRITING                 GRAMMAR               LANGUAGE ARTS

                           1.1.3                      2.2.2                    3.1.2                     5.1.1                    4.3.1
                           Able to listen to and recite   Able to read and     Able to write in neat     Able to use nouns        Able to plan, produce
                           poems, tongue              understand phrases and   cursive writing with      correctly and            and display creative
                           twisters, and sing songs   sentences from:          correct spelling:         appropriately:           works based on literary
                           paying attention to        (b) non-linear texts     (b) paragraphs            (a) common nouns         texts using a variety of
                           pronunciation, rhythm and                                                                              media with guidance
             WEEK          intonation.                2.3.1                    3.3.1                     3.3.1
             1, 2, 3                                  Able to read for         Able to create texts using   Able to create texts
                           1.1.4                      information and          a variety of media with   using a variety of media
                           Able to speak on related   enjoyment with guidance:  guidance:                with guidance:
             UNIT 1        topics with guidance       (b) non-fiction          (a) non-linear            (a) non-linear
           Family Day.
                           1.2.4                      2.2.3                    3.2.3
                           Able to participate in     Able to read and         Able to use punctuation
             Theme         conversations  with peers   demonstrate             correctly
          World of Self,                              understanding of texts
        Family and Friends                            by:                      3.1.1
                                                      (b) sequencing           Able to write in neat
                                                                               legible print with correct
                                                                               (a) sentences
                                                                               (b) paragraphs

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