Page 5 - RPT BI YEAR 5 2020
P. 5


          WEEK/ UNIT/         LISTENING AND                READING                     WRITING                 GRAMMAR               LANGUAGE ARTS
             TOPIC               SPEAKING

                           1.1.4                  2.2.2                        3.1.1                     5.1.2                    4.1.1
                           Able to speak on       Able to read and understand   Able to write in neat    Able to use pronouns     Able to enjoy jazz
                           related topics with    phrases and sentences from:   legible print with correct   correctly and        chants, poems and
                           Guidance               (a) linear texts             spelling:                 appropriately:           songs through non-
                                                                               (a) sentences             (b) interrogative        verbal response
                           1.2.4                  2.2.4
             WEEK          Able to participate in   Able to apply dictionary skills   3.1.2                                       4.1.2
              9, 10        conversations  with    (b) understand meaning of    Able to write in neat                              Able to listen to, sing
                           peers                  words in                     cursive writing with                               songs, recite jazz chants
                                                  context                      correct spelling:                                  and poems with correct
             UNIT 4                                                            (a) sentences                                      stress, pronunciation,
       Malaysian Legends                          2.3.1                                                                           rhythm and intonation
                                                  Able to read for information
             Theme                                and enjoyment with guidance:  3.3.1
         World Of Stories                         (a) fiction                  Able to create texts using
                                                                               a variety of media with
                                                  2.2.3                        guidance:
                                                  Able to read and demonstrate  (a) non-linear
                                                  understanding of texts by:
                                                  (a) giving main ideas and

              M 11                                                                PENTAKSIRAN 1

                                                             CUTI PERTENGAHAN PENGGAL 1
                                 (KUMPULAN A: 13.03.2020 - 21.03.2020, KUMPULAN B: 14.03.2020 - 22.03.2020)

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