Page 8 - RPT BI YEAR 5 2020
P. 8


          WEEK/ UNIT/      LISTENING AND SPEAKING            READING                   WRITING                 GRAMMAR               LANGUAGE ARTS

                           1.1.4                      2.2.1                    3.1.1                     5.1.4                    4.3.1
                           Able to speak on related   Able to apply word attack  Able to write in neat   Able to use conjunctions  Able to plan, produce
                           topics with                skills by:               legible print with correct   correctly             and display creative
                           Guidance                    (b) identifying idioms  spelling:                 and appropriately:       works based on literary
             16, 17                                                             (b) paragraphs           (a) although             texts using a variety of
                           1.2.2                      2.2.2                                              (b) since                media with guidance
                           Able to listen, follow, and   Able to read and      3.2.2
             UNIT 7        give instructions.         understand phrases and   Able to write with                                 4.3.2
        The King’s Decision                           sentences from:          guidance:                                          Able to plan, prepare
                           1.2.3                      (a) linear texts         (a) stories                                        and participate in a
             Theme         Able to listen to, follow,                                                                             performance with
         World Of Stories   and give directions to    2.3.1                                                                       guidance based on
                           places around their        Able to read for                                                            literary works
                           town and state             information and
                                                      enjoyment with
                           1.2.4                      guidance:
                           Able to participate in     (a) non-fiction
                           conversations  with peers

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