Page 6 - Mindmail _June_2019
P. 6




           In countries throughout         So, what do you think               that was designed in
           the world, assessment is        where exactly the problem           past doesn’t serve the
           considered a major and          in judging these skills lies?       purpose of today’s world
           essential part of today’s       Well, We think it’s in the          or the future. Formal
           education. At the end           traditional process that            education system was
           of an academic year, all        we are following to judge           created long time ago
           countries use assessments       learning and technology             and during that time,
           as a means to measure           is the only solution to this.       schools were less
           a student’s performance.        Technology has not only             focused on improving
           But assessments are             eased our life but it has           students’ mind. They
           completely quantitative         brought great potential to          were rather focused
           i.e. marks obtained are         improve the learning and            on creating obedient,
           the judging criteria for        assessment system.                  punctual and high-
           performance. Isn’t                                                  graded individuals
           this archaic?                   The need for evolution              for jobs.
                                           of education for the next
           As per World Economic           industrial revolution…..            Time is now calling for
           Forum’s Future of Jobs                                              not just quantitative
           survey, today and the           Technology has                      but a qualitative
           coming future demands           touched every aspect                assessment as well
           much more than marks;           of our existence and its            based on which a plan
           it rather seeks problem-        happening more quickly              for improvement can
           solving skills, creative        and on a massive scale              be laid. The qualitative
           thinking, agility, logical      compared to any moment              assessment measures
           judgment and a spirit to        of human history. Then,             a student’s qualities
           learn. We can’t expect          isn’t it time to equip the          like problem-solving
           learning and assessment to      youth with the skills               skills, agility etc. This
           mean something, if we can’t     they need to progress in            obviously isn’t possible
           demonstrate that students       tomorrow’s world?                   with traditional ways in
           are actually improving as a                                         which assessments are
           result of what they learn.      The education system                conducted i.e. the pen

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