Page 8 - Mindmail _June_2019
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             and paper-based assessments.                        products. We have already created an                 include efficiency, incredible preciseness,
                                                                 ecosystem using IoT for our IntelliEXAMS             and eliminate human error. While blockchain
             Gone are the days when parents and                  and IntelliTUTE products with which                  offers the highest security, improved
             students used to wait for a month’s time            question papers and evaluation results can           transparency, reduced cost, and
             for results to come up. In today’s fast             quickly be shared across. Our products,              better traceability.
             paced world, no one has time to wait                right from its inception, are supporting
             for that long; rather it is expected to be          online assessment for both objective and             The global online education industry is
             out in a day’s time. The shift towards              subjective exams.                                    estimated to grow at a CARG of 24% by 2023 in
             online assessment has taken a pace and                                                                   the online education industry.
             soon the conventional ‘pen-and-paper’               We have implemented qualitative
             based assessments will be a history. The            assessment in our product On Screen                  To grab this golden opportunity with both
             conventional assessments not only open              Marking using Rubrics; this has some                 hands, we are taking a big leap for growth
             doors for malpractices but also slow down           extraordinary benefits which include:                of Mindlogicx and globalizing our novel
             the complete education system.                                                                           products to take them to the global market.
                                                                 •  Improved communication of faculty’s               To initiate this, we have set in motion a
                                                                     perspective to provide attention,                product roll out plan for our
             Technology is giving us platforms like AI,              emphasis, and focus on areas of                   international launch.
             IoT, blockchain etc. at our disposal to bring           betterment of a student.
             in a change. With these technologies, we            •  Crisp guidelines on ‘how to improve’ from
             can change the entire education landscape               faculties.
             and create a better assessment and                  •  Reuse the same Rubrics for different
             learning system for tomorrow. Technology                students and different subjects.
             not only helps us to improve the education
             system but also to speed it up.                     We are now working on rolling out On
                                                                 Screen Marking product for Android. We
             Mindlogicx is working hard for the                  are also contemplating on rolling out
             betterment of the future……                          IntelliDEVICES 2.0 to our customers to give
                                                                 a multiple purpose device i.e. conduct both
             At Mindlogicx we give extreme value to              online and offline exams and an enhanced             Image source: marketersmedia
             futuristic solutions and our customers’             user experience.
             requirements. We are always one step
             forward in implementing new technologies            Considering the market, we are one of the
             and thus, meeting the expectations of               few who are capable of providing solutions
             customers. Being a product company, we              to manage every single process of an
             regularly do a deep market study, check             institute right from managing data of the
             where we stand and look for ways in which           stakeholders till secure result publication.
             we can climb up in the market along with            We have already successfully provided
             serving the best to our customers. We               an edge-to-edge solution and to take this
             sell exceptional experience rather than             one step ahead, we are now researching
             solutions to specific problems.                     on new technologies like blockchain and
                                                                 AI to determine how these can be used to
             Hence, we take great pride to announce              enhance our products.
             that we have already implemented latest
             technologies like IoT and Rubrics in our            The virtues of AI that caught our attention

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