Page 12 - Mindmail _June_2019
P. 12


           Institute. Realising the                                                                                          hit the moment it hit the       introduced by Honda were       Honda grow to not just be
           scarcity of gas at the                                                                                            streets and this paved the      very similar to the bikes      an automobile industry
           time, the Honda Technical                                                                                         way for the creation of the     made during Second World       but also a beacon of
           Research Institute built                                                                                          Honda C 100! So famous          War, with strong influences    change for the way people
           the first ever gas                                                                                                was the Honda C 100, it         drawn from Honda’s initial     all over the world rode
           propelled cycle.                                                                                                  became the most popular         days. By 1973, Honda’s         their bikes and cars. It
                                                                                                                             motorcycle ever made by         expertise grew so quickly,     was through sheer hard
           By the year 1949, Honda                                                                                           Honda in the beginning          it started expanding and       work, determination and
           Motor Company Limited                                                                                             years! From then, there         was all set to sell cars       understanding of how
           was established as the                                                                                            was absolutely no stopping  to the United States. The          the automobile industry
           biggest bicycle creator                                                                                           Honda and with every new        first ever car it sold in the   worked, Soichiro Honda
           and was starting to                                                                                               motorcycle made, the            United States was the          was a man who realised
           break new ground in this                                                                                          Company started growing         Honda Civic and since          his dream and made it
           area. The first ever mass                                                                                         with increasing speed           then, there was absolutely     come true despite
           produced motorised bike,                                                                                          and precision.                  no turning back for this       all adversities.
           the Dream D (painted in                                                                                                                           superstar! In fact, the
           maroon) was an instant                                                                                            Over the years, Honda           Honda Civic was such a hit,  An inspirational success
                                                                                                                             mastered the art of making      it won awards for being the    and a story which needed
                                                                                                                             motorcycles and by 1963,        best car during the year       to be told, Honda’s journey
                                                                                                                             the Company was all set         it released.                   is a true guidance of hope
                                                                                                                             to expand into the world of                                    and light.
                                                                                                                             cars. The first fleet of cars   The following years saw

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           Mindmail - June 2019                                                                                                                                                                   Mindmail - June  2019
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