Page 15 - Mindmail _June_2019
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 3 Best CMS   isn’t largely based on text   necessarily a dealbreaker,     •  Provides advanced
                                                                               post creation and
           content. The platform also
                                                                               management system.
                                           but it does mean that there
           offers a lot more options
                                           are some features you
 Options for 2019  when it comes to user   may need to implement               user management and
                                                                               permission settings.
           management. This makes
                                           manually, making this a
           it a fantastic option for       good fit for those              •  Includes support for
 Here is a list of the 3 best free CMS options available in 2019 ordered by popularity   membership-based sites,   who have modest   multilingual sites out of
 and features:  for example.               development experience.             the box.
                                                                           •  Has a detailed
           On top of that, Joomla          3) Drupal                           taxonomy system.
           also includes multilingual      Drupal is another name          •  Boasts top-notch
           support out of the box.         that carries a lot of weight        security for
           That means you don’t            in discussions about the              your website.
           need to use plugins or          best open source CMS.
           extensions to add more          While it lags behind            You can build almost any
           languages to your site.         WordPress and Joomla in         type of website you want
           Finally, Joomla also            market share, that doesn’t      using the ‘big three’ CMS
           enables you to use multiple  make it any less notable.          platforms, which include
           templates or themes at                                          WordPress, Joomla, and

 1) WordPress  your content. Moreover,   to your site. There are   once, for different types   In practice, Drupal shines   Drupal. However, Drupal is
           of content.
                                                                           renown for its scalability
                                           in a lot of the same areas
 Wordpress CMS boasts   the platform also supports   also other CMS options   Joomla does. For example,   and security, which often
 the largest market share   user registration, gets   that provide a more   Key Features:  it offers a very flexible   makes it a better option
 among its competitors by   regular updates, and   streamlined blogging   •  Offers excellent support  system for dealing with    for enterprise and
 far, and it’s easy to   features a large and   experience, although they   for custom post types.  custom post types. It also   business sites.
 see why.  helpful community.  can’t match WordPress’
 customizability.  •  Provides advanced user  gives you a high degree
               management options.
 Although WordPress was   Key Features:  •  Includes multilingual   of control over your users   It does, however, feature
                                                                           a steep learning curve. In
                                           and their permissions,
 conceived as a blogging   •  Includes intuitive   2) Joomla!  support out of the box.  and it can even handle   most cases, we wouldn’t
 platform, it’s grown far   publishing and content   When people debate   •  Supports using unique   multilingual sites out   recommend that you
 beyond that point. The   management options.  which is the best CMS   templates for each   of the box.  use Drupal unless you
 platform is easy to use,   •  Provides a powerful   software, Joomla is one   page type.  have web development
 and you can customize   editor that enables you   of the names that comes   However, there are other   experience. However, if
 it to your heart’s content   to format your content   up most often alongside   In paper, Joomla sounds   areas where Drupal is   you are comfortable with
 using plugins and themes   with ease.  WordPress. The general   amazing, and it is a strong   in a class of its own.   development, this is one
 (of which you have   •  Is highly customizable,   consensus is that while   pick. However, it’s not   Its taxonomy system,   of the best CMS options
 thousands to   thanks to thousands of   Joomla may not be as   as beginner-friendly as   for example, is much   available today.
 choose from).  plugins and themes.  beginner-friendly as
 •  Has a strong and   WordPress, it can be more   WordPress, so it may take   more powerful than its
 When it comes to content   vibrant community.  flexible in some aspects.  you longer to learn how to   competitors. In addition,
           run a website using
                                           Drupal is considered to be
 management, WordPress      this CMS.      a more secure platform
 also provides a top-notch   The only downside to   For example, Joomla   than both WordPress
 experience. Publishing   using WordPress is that   is a great option if you   It also doesn’t offer as   and Joomla.
 new posts and pages   sometimes you’ll need to   need to manage a lot of   many extensions or
 is simple, and you have   mix and match a lot of   ‘custom post types’. That   templates as some of its   Key Features:
 access to a powerful editor   plugins to add the precise   is to say, it’s ideal if you   competitors. That’s not   •  Offers a flexible custom
 that enables you to format   functionality you need   want to run a website that              Vinay PN
                                                                                       Asst. Manager SEO
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