Page 18 - Mindmail _June_2019
P. 18


           Technology                                                                                                        view of the matches. For        not only includes factors,     Users posting the most

                                                                                                                             on-ground proceedings, a
                                                                                                                                                             such as runs scored, or
                                                                                                                                                                                            engaging and interactive
                                                                                                                             roving Buggy Cam will also
                                                                                                                                                             average, but also pitch
                                                                                                                                                                                            videos will get a chance to
           gives a news spin to                                                                                              be used. These cameras          conditions, the quality        watch India play at one of
                                                                                                                                                                                            the venues in England.
                                                                                                                                                             of opposition and the
                                                                                                                             are remote-controlled and
                                                                                                                                                             pressure on the team. Luck
                                                                                                                             are basically installed on
           Cricket World Cup                                                                                                 unmanned aerial vehicles.       Index will tell how many       The adoption of technology
                                                                                                                                                             times players were lucky.
                                                                                                                                                                                            is expected to extend to
                                                                                                                             They are drizzle-proof and
                                                                                                                             can fly up to an altitude of
                                                                                                                                                                                            other areas of the game in
                                                                                                                                                             Forecaster is a prediction
                                                                                                                                                             tool, which can tell how
                                                                                                                             400 metres.
                                                                                                                                                                                            might see some of them
                                                                                                                                                             many runs a team will          the coming days, and we
           Sports is embracing             reportedly roped in a           has deployed as many as                           Fans will have more tools       score, when a wicket may       at the next World Cup. We
           technology like never           UK-based sports tech            32 cameras, including eight                       and insights, too, at their     fall, or which team will win.  had a glimpse of some
           before, be it the adoption      company, STATSports,            ultra-motion HawkEye                              disposal this time. A                                          of those technologies at
           of video assistant              to track the fitness of         cameras, Spidercams, and                          case in point is Cricket. also has a         local level, in the form of
           referee technology in           Indian cricketers during        front and reverse-view                            com’s new weather-              similar pattern-based tool     SeeHow smart balls, which
           the knockout stages of          the tournament, using a         stump cameras. The feed                           based match projections         called Criclytics. It includes   have in-built sensors to
           the UEFA Champions              vest with in-built sensors      captured from the cameras                         in partnership with IBM’s       live score predictor, live     capture ball-related data
           League, or the use of           to capture distance, speed,     will be stitched together                         The Weather Co. The             player projections (how        like speed, swing and spin.
           Hawk Eye in Wimbledon.          acceleration and dynamic        to produce 360° replays                           IBM platform will furnish       players are going to
           The International Cricket       stress load. The data will      of matches that will be                           data on atmospheric             perform in the upcoming        Former cricketer Anil
           Council (ICC), in this          be available to coaches         available on ICC TV.                              pressure, wind speed and        matches) and death             Kumble’s tech startup
           regard, has always been         and analysts. STATSports’                                                         temperature. All these will     over instructions (here        Spektacom has designed a
           ahead of its counterparts       GPS technology is already       The drone camera by                               be triangulated by Cricket.     users can pick a bowler        bat that uses sensor-based
           and has been using              being used by major             Batcam, a UK-based                                com to figure out the           and simulate possible          stickers to capture data
           HawkEye, Hotspot,               football clubs including        live drone filming and                            impact of weather during        outcomes in the last three     on how the batsman was
           Snickometer and the ball        Barcelona, Liverpool and        broadcasting company,                             a match. Aimed at the           overs of a match).             hitting the ball.
           speedometer for                 Manchester United.              will be used at all the                           average fan, the weather-                                      The data will be analysed
           years now.                                                      World Cup venues across                           related analysis will go        In addition to the millions    by Microsoft Azure Cloud
                                           To capture the action from      England and Wales to                              live from the middle of the     of conversations that will     and AI services and the
           At the ICC Cricket World        multiple angles, the ICC        capture an over-the-top                           World Cup.                      be generated on Facebook       insights will be delivered
           Cup, which started on 30                                                                                                                          and Twitter, a lot of action   on the mobile app.
           May, technology is playing                                                                                        ESPNCricinfo, in                can be seen on new
           an important role, both on                                                                                        collaboration with IIT          social media platforms
           and off the pitch. While                                                                                          Madras, has introduced          as well. ICC has tied up
           the likes of HawkEye and                                                                                          an artificial intelligence      with ByteDance, a Chinese
           Snickometer will determine                                                                                        (AI)-based metric system        technology company,
           the fate of players on                                                                                            called Superstats which         to deliver campaigns
           the pitch, their post-                                                                                            uses algorithms trained         and unique short-form
           match fitness levels will                                                                                         on 10 years of cricket-         videos on its social media
           be evaluated using data                                                                                           related data available          platforms TikTok and
           captured by wearable GPS                                                                                          on the platform. It will        Helo. For instance, the
           trackers this time.                                                                                               be available under three        CheerforIndia campaign on
                                                                                                                             subcategories—Smart             Helo is encouraging users
           The Board of Control                                                                                              Stats, Luck Index and           to post original content
           for Cricket in India has                                                                                          Forecaster. Smart Stats         related to the World Cup.           Chandrakant V. Badami
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           Mindmail - June 2019                                                                                                                                                                   Mindmail - June  2019
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