Page 22 - Mindmail _June_2019
P. 22
2 3 New Google make extensions found now be working to ensure
that Chrome developers
on that storefront more
Chrome trustworthy, with plans are only accessing the
Policies to start honing in on minimum amount of data
required to accomplish
problem areas as early
To Make as this summer. Two of their extensions’
Swiggy Extensions the big implementations given tasks.
launches MORE center around narrowing That includes any
down just how much data
Swiggy Daily Trustworthy can be accessed and extension that uses
app that lets transparency. The third one permission when
another would serve the
centers more broadly
you book meals Google has poured a lot around how Google Drive appropriate purpose
of effort into keeping its
in advance Chrome users more secure can be accessed across without accessing quite
so much user data, in
the board.
and informed over the instances where multiple
past several months and The first of the changes permissions could have
that’s about to get even isn’t entirely new but is accomplished the
better when it comes to a directional shift that same task.
extensions for the platform moves one of Google’s
Swiggy Daily will allow Swiggy Daily will cater and Mumbai in the coming hosted in the Chrome best practice guidelines The second change that
users to schedule their to the latent demand for months, the Web Store. into position as a policy will come with identical
meals in advance or opt for homestyle meals that are statement said. that will be enforced. consequences requires
a daily, weekly or an affordable, long-term Specifically, Google With enforcement set to developers to expand on
monthly subscription. solution for daily Founded in 2014, Swiggy is now ready to start begin by fall according to use cases that require full
food needs. connects consumers to implementing a few policy the associated developer disclosure of how much
Food ordering and delivery over 1,00,000 restaurant changes that will help pages, the company will data is being used and
firm Swiggy has launched The service that has been partners across over
‘Swiggy Daily’, an app for launched in Gurugram will 175 cities.
everyday homestyle meals be expanded to Bengaluru
prepared by home chefs,
tiffin service providers and
organised vendors.
Swiggy Daily will allow
users to schedule their
meals in advance or opt for
a daily, weekly or monthly
subscription, Swiggy said
in a statement.
Commenting on the
development, Swiggy CEO
Sriharsha Majety said,
with a mix of organised
vendors and home chefs,
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Mindmail - June 2019 Mindmail - June 2019