Page 20 - Mindmail _June_2019
P. 20


         1  Sony’s first IoT                                                                                                 which can be over 60 miles      To circumvent interference     or detect flooding and aid
                                                                                                                             (100 km) away. If the data
                                                                                                                                                                                            maritime rescue. In an
                                                                                                                                                             problems it repeats each
              chip brings a                                                                                                  was destined for a server       signal four times, with        urban environment, Eltres
            60+ mile range,                                                                                                  the base station may have       synchronization bits           could track deliveries,
                                                                                                                             an internet connection,
                                                                                                                                                                                            rental cars and bicycles,
                                                                                                                                                             interspersed so that the
              can transmit                                                                                                   but it doesn’t have to.         receiver can account for       or it could monitor for
                     from                                                                                                    Sony gives the example          variations caused by a         timetable disruptions on
                                                                                                                                                                                            train and bus networks.
                                                                                                                             of a drone tasked with
                                                                                                                                                             change in direction of
               fast-moving                                                                                                   monitoring an offshore          motion. The chip is only
                  vehicles                                                                                                   farm, which could use the       16mm x 16mm and will run  These things aren’t exactly
                                                                                                                                                                                            impossible with current
                                                                                                                             Eltres network to transmit
                                                                                                                                                             off a single coin/button
           IoT devices have                                                                                                  location and sensor data.       battery (like a watch)         networks. Sony’s plan
           penetrated our homes with                                                                                                                         for possibly months. It’s      though is to make them so
           startling success, yet now                                                                                        Sony’s first gen chip, the      available to developers on     cheap and easy that they
           they face a new challenge:      LTE networks, yet those         require affordable long-                          CXM1501GR, paired with          request and should appear      become ubiquitous, which
           making it in the big scary      both come with significant      range networks that work                          a 20 mW antenna can             in devices soon.               is what IoT is all about.
           outdoors, where threats         compromises. Wi-Fi has          in moving vehicles and can                        transmit a 128-bit signal
           like power and motion           a short range and suffers       handle high interference.                         at up to 6.35 kbps while        Sony believes it will create
           have kept companies back.       from signal interference                                                          moving at over 60 mph. It       a new market of IoT
           No more, says Sony, who         if too many devices are         Eltres is Sony’s spin on the                      can automatically switch        devices. A ski resort might
           announced their first chip      connected, while LTE is         concept, and it will launch                       between 23 channels on          give out Eltres trackers so
           supported by their Eltres       expensive and requires          in full in Japan later this                       the 923.6 MHz to 928 MHz        that friends can find each
           LPWA (low-power wide            a SIM. Both have a high-        year. Eltres employs small                        bands and when more             other on ski slopes, or
           area) network last week.        power drain. If we truly        microchips and antennas                           of the band is available        detect if a guest has gotten
                                           want everything connected       to relay a signal-like sensor                     it uses chirp modulation        lost or is caught in an
           IoT has taken off with the      to the internet, then we        data to a base station,                           (frequency jumping) to          avalanche. Ships could be
           help of existing Wi-Fi and                                                                                        utilize more bandwidth.         equipped to track racers,
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           Mindmail - June 2019                                                                                                                                                                   Mindmail - June  2019
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