Page 109 - AAA Integrated Workbook STUDENT S18-J19
P. 109

Chapter 8

                  Group and transnational audits


               By the end of this session you should be able to:

                    recognise the specific matters to be considered before accepting appointment
                     as group auditor to a group in a given situation

                    identify and describe the matters to be considered and the procedures to be
                     performed at the planning stage, when a group auditor considers the use of the
                     work of component auditors

                    identify and explain the matters specific to planning an audit of group financial
                     statements including:

                     –     assessment of group and component materiality

                     –     the impact of non-coterminous year ends within a group

                     –     changes in group structure or a complex group structure

                    recommend and discuss the communications and content therein to be
                     provided by the group auditor to the component auditor in a given situation

                    recognise the audit problems and describe audit procedures specific to:

                     –     a business combination, including the classification of investments

                     –     the determination of goodwill and its impairment

                     –     group accounting policies

                     –     inter-company trading

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