Page 120 - AAA Integrated Workbook STUDENT S18-J19
P. 120

Chapter 8 4

                           Completion & reporting

               5.1  Review of the work of the component auditor

                    The group auditor must:

                    Review the work of the component auditor to ensure it is sufficient and
                     appropriate to rely on for the purpose of the group auditor's report. This may be
                     achieved by the component auditor sending the group auditor a questionnaire
                     or checklist which identifies the key aspects of the audit.

                    Discuss any significant matters that have arisen with the component auditor or
                     group management, as appropriate.

                    Make an assessment as to whether any further work is needed.

                    Consider whether the aggregate effect of any uncorrected misstatements will
                     have a material impact on the group financial statements.

               5.2  Other completion activities

               Subsequent events, going concern and final analytical procedures will need to be
               considered for the group in the same way as they are considered for single entity

               5.3 Letters of support

               If a subsidiary has going concern issues the parent company may offer financial
               support to enable it to continue trading for the foreseeable future. If this is the case
               the directors must give the component auditor a letter of support which confirms their
               intention to support the subsidiary. This is also known as a comfort letter.

               The component auditor should not take this at face value. They should consider the
               position of the parent and the group to help identify whether it has the resources to
               fulfil its promise of support before accepting the letter as sufficient appropriate
               evidence of the going concern basis for the subsidiary.

               The group auditor must consider the impact of the going concern issues for the group
               as a whole.

               The parent company must disclose this guarantee of assistance in their financial

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